*Disclaimer: I was chill most of time in the story. I just worded it weird and it sounds like I got upset or whatever because I was trying to write this while at work.*
For context for you fellow people, I recently swapped mains from a hunter to a titan because I’ve been playing hunter since launch of D1 and just want a change. Also, I don’t have an opinion on “master race” because the argument I think is stupid and every class works for everyone else’s play style, so every class should have their own abilities. One more note, I’m a pretty chill guy, I admit it was my mistake when I die in crucible and if I die it’s just whatever, it’s a game. I don’t teabag or emote because it’s just stupid and a waste of time IMO. Which if you do it, it’s cool, we all have our own thing. So with that out of the way. Let’s get to the topic.
My friend wanted to play some iron banner and not to gloat but I think I’m at least above average where he kinda suffers. So we play a few matches, I’m working on getting Randy’s Throwing Knife, but every few minutes I keep hearing him complain about how titans are broken, warlocks are superior in PVP, and hunters are underwhelmingly bad and needs buffs (he’s a hunter main if you couldn’t tell). Also continues to complain about mountaintop and recluse. Also, in his mind, nothing is his fault. If he dies, it’s the games fault or the other persons.
Another few matches played and instead of every few minutes of complaints it’s turning into every time he dies, which was often because he was being irrational from being tilted. I was annoyed and told him if he doesn’t like the game then just go. After that proceeded to ask me “why do you play this god awful game” to which I reply “I’m having fun, it’s just a game. That’s all I came here to do.” He leaves, so now I can finally enjoy crucible my way.
I proceed to play iron banner and when I’m back to having a good time, managed to get 3% on my Randy’s Throwing Knife quest. I get 4 messages from 4 different people saying I’m reported. Which, if i was, that’s not cool haha. Also, just tells me, they’re just mad and they just can’t do anything about it. If this’ll be a constant thing, I don’t actually want to get banned. Idk if I would but just I be safe I got off. Wasn’t vibing with crucible much that day anyways.
I know lots of you don’t care but this is just my experience. Feel free to tell me your stories or possibly give points on whatever you think I need to improve on. Thanks for dropping by. It’s been cool. See you around friendly people.
I always found it hard from D1 to have fun without complaints in both Crucible and Iron Banner... But i’m a Warlock and I can say all we’re good for is Nova Warp and Dawnblade in the Crucible.. Nothing more. Reach is too quick to drain with little potency a lot of the time, and Nova Bomb is easy to outsmart in both paths. These last 2 days, i’ve dealt with people who say this game is at it’s worst since Forsaken. But I don’t agree with that. I thought Opulence was the worst because of the Tribute Hall being an absolute grindfest. Bad Juju was worth it, but this drained a lot of my mats dry.