Do you think you have an eye for style? Submit a link to a picture of your best dressed Guardian below. We will choose our favorites and feature them in next week’s TWAB.
Fashion week has ended. You can see the [url=]winners here[/url]. Keep an eye out for another Fashion Week in the future.
My Knight's Chill Hunter => -All ornamented out- Crucible helmet - with Soaring Sword ornament (Crucible Lazurite Shader) Iron Will Gauntlets - Named Lord's ornament (Night's Chill Shader) Iron Will Chest - Empyrean Cartographer vest ornament (Night's Chill Shader) Iron Will Legs - Empyrean Cartographer strides ornament (Night's Chill Shader) Dreambane Cloak - Neoteric Kiyot ornament (Oiled Gunmetal Shader)