Do you think you have an eye for style? Submit a link to a picture of your best dressed Guardian below. We will choose our favorites and feature them in next week’s TWAB.
Fashion week has ended. You can see the [url=]winners here[/url]. Keep an eye out for another Fashion Week in the future.
Edited by Cobravert: 10/23/2019 12:54:34 PMBeing that we still can not use the armor we choose because of the Dreamsbane restrictions (if you're not far enough along yet), and the obscene amount of jerking around you get for having to get a minimum of 3 different either currencies, materials, or 'parts' (seriously, there are so many contrived steps and pieces that I don't even try to remember all the names of everything anymore) to be able to level everything you carry or use regularly, then compound that all by you only have maybe a couple of prescripted options (read: limited) of which armor 'camo' or adornment option pieces you have available per armor piece, you still can't wear the armor arrangement you want until after exhaustive grinding, more than likely weeks from now for those who don't have endless time to burn on the game, to most likely mismatch the pieces to create the armor set up that you like. This is why I have seen at least a couple dozen Warlocks with nearly the exact same overall look as mine, albeit we may select slightly different colors. Broaden the armor adornment palette to allow us to use every available Legendary (not special like Iron Banner or anything you actually earn) (No Exotics) or faction based armor to whatever it is that we are using and leveling. inb4hatemail