Hi everyone!
So as some you may know, Bungie is kicking off the Game2Give event soon:
[quote]Get ready for Game2Give, our inaugural charity event to support the Bungie Foundation’s iPads for Kids Program and Children’s Miracle Network benefitting sick kids across the country. Between October 24 and November 10, we invite the Destiny Community to join us in celebration of what we can accomplish together through games and giving[/quote]
And now that you're up to speed on that, let's take a look at what I have planned (Don't worry I'll get to the free swag which includes a Bungie Store shirt.)
I want people to get behind this cause. I personally benefited from the incredible care of a children's hosptial when I was very young. As well, I've seen family and friends receive incredible care and treatment from these types of facilities as well, which is made possible by a number things - one of those largely being donations from the many types of charities that share extremely generous contributions. And when Bungie announced this event, I thought it would be a fun challenge for me to at least help in some small way to give back. And I know with [i]your[/i] help, we can together.
So, here's the deal:
I'll be streaming from now until next Wednesay (October 30th), typically around 8 PM EST. Visit [url=http://twitch.tv/Helveck]my Twitch page to follow.[/url]
You can also follow me on Twitter (Helveck) or check back here as I'll try to keep this thread updated with our milestones and when I'm going LIVE.
In order to win the shirt - which will be any standard shirt of your choosing, as well as a few other small items thrown in for fun - you must qualify for entry.
How do you qualify?
Easy, but only if enough people chip in! Tune into my Streams, and donate to the cause. By next Wedneday, and only if our goal of $1000.00 is reached, I will then select one random winner who has been tuning in and who has also donated to the #Game2Give charity! That is on top of the preexisting potential incentives you can already earn from Bungie by donating certain amounts.
Any questions feel free to ask!
See you out there, Guardians.
[url=https://www.helpmakemiracles.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=367214]Donation Page[/url]
[b]Current donations: $280.00 of 1000.00 goal!!! [/b]
Going Live in a half hour! 8 PM EST the stream will start, and it would be awesome to have some B.netters come by. Stop in just to chat, or if you're able to and wanting to support the cause, follow the links above to donate. Any TINY little bit would be awesome.