Hey guys,
So, I have been playing Destiny 2 since Forsaken DLC release on Battle.net, and found this box before all the big D2 youtubers started to spread the info. [i][b]So, my problem is...[/b][/i]I got the key from the keymold, used the key and the box didn't open, but as you can see in the image, D2 recognizes the key was used.
Just friggin happened to me! What the heck is going on with the quest?! Seeing that key not work sucked all the desire to keep playing out of me.
Hi there, [quote]We are aware of new issues regarding the Mysterious Box quest for Izanagi’s Burden and are currently investigating. Players are encouraged to not use their Obsidian Crystals or Forge Keys until this issue has been resolved.[/quote] https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1189680030751715328?s=20
This also just happened to me. Been trying to get this weapon for like 3 weeks now.. it's kinda pathetic that you pay for a game and it's services and they can't even fix a bug in a major weapon quest line.
Best part, you'll most likely have to redo that entire part when they finally fix the quest in another month.
same thing just happened to me not looking forward to having to wait another week for a fix