So... It s true. Bungie [b]blocked[/b] my acc forever bcs my wi fi isn t good enough.
I m playind Destiny almoust for 1 year... I bought every single DLC (pre ored pack btw...), I was a polite player.. i ve never argue to my team ( didn t use chat, but whatever).
It s very rude to block players FOREVER just for their ping. I bought game, and Bungie team can t even properly explaying the deal of the problem.
Last week i played with a cheater ( I think you know what I m talking about). I rly wonder if They bunned him, or he is still chilling in Crusible. It s way easier to punish decent player with slow connecting...
Hope for your reply Bungie, cz I rly like your game.... (u know last winter event I unlocked all triumphs...)
And you know...
-When you whisper to the void, does it whisper back ?
-No? For me either...
You got a warning and then you went back to playing gambit or crucible without fixing “your” internet. This must suck for you but I am glad Bungie is doing the right thing in this regard.