From the title, most of you knew that it was going to be about Izanagi’s Burden.
1.When players have done 3 of the required keys and are going to insert the 4th key, it disappears from their inventory and doesn’t grant progress. This has been happening for over 4 weeks now and it still isn’t fixed (happened to me)
2.When players abandon a quest, they should not lose any progress to what they already have. I abandoned the Izanagi quest before to make more room for other quests and I had 3 of the keys. Upon returning to the quest, I had lost all progress towards it and whilst trying to get the keys again, when inserting them they simply disappeared from my inventory(happened to me)
3.When players have the obsidian crystal, a result of the rare quest, they are not able to use it because it won’t progress them further on in the quest.
I know that Bungie will simply come back saying that they are “looking into the issue” but you need to cut that out. It has been going on for 4 weeks and the supposed “quest fix” made even more bugs.
What I’m trying to get out is that how come pre-Shadowkeep the Mysterious Box quest worked and for the past 4 weeks post-Shadowkeep, it has bugged so much and guardians aren’t able to progress.
I would also very much appreciate that:
1.You could give time back the progress on the Mysterious box quest. I had all 3 keys inserted and the Black Armoury key (which I put into the box) because if a player abandons a quest, they shouldn’t lose their progress as they may want to return to it at a later time.
2.Please, could you either:
-Change the Mysterious box quest so that it is. similar to the other quests in the game and allow players to progress with getting Izanagi’s Burden
-Progress all players that were doing the quest onto steps that are not bugged at the moment so they can get the gun as they should not have to wait over 4 weeks to get it.
-Get rid of the gun entirely from the game (like Telesto was) for a certain time until the quest is fixed.
-Fix the quest steps to how they were prior to Shadowkeep, as it seemed to work well and not have many bugs
-Have another gun to take its place with the same perk, same primary slot but a quest that has no bugs and players are able to progress onto
My Xbox gamer tag is: Pred209
And I would much appreciate if Bungie would read this and respond accordingly and take the appropriate actions to this bugged quest as waiting 4 weeks is too long.
[spoiler]Entitled little shit! For your info pre-Shadowkeep, the quest took 3+ plus weeks! It just recently became faster before Shadowkeep dumbass![/spoiler]