The titans have one-eyed mask, hunters have wormhusk crown, warlocks need the Ram!!
For the troglodytes that need it spelled out.. D2 should have already had all of d1s exotics at launch. D2 marketing team should Never Promot old exotics in dlc/expansions as "new" Nore should the old exotics influence the creation or development of new exotics being dropped in an update/dlc. There's no reason we can't have the classics and also have new content being dropped. Also why only 1 exotic per class? Why so many exotics that do what others do? What I want is the ram to be dropped outside of a dlc. It should be an update that includes classic gear.
Not just due to being fair in who gets extra armor and counterplay but to also add more variety for warlocks exotics. The warlock has 3 helms that do the same thing to different degrees. The other helmets are boarder line useless or lock you into an extremely limited playstyle. To have a nice passive-aggressive and passive defensive helm for those moments you want to push. Hell, the ability to put it on and counter the other exotics is all the fun. It puts you back in the game and equal playing field as long as you can use the perks to your advantage. Aka titan rushing and baiting taking damage to activate DPS buff. Hunter using guerilla tactics by attacking taking damage but also having the cover and retreating well surprising an enemy that thought that they had a weakened enemy but instead is healed and trapped the pray.
I think ram could come back with a max armor stat but the exotic perk is reduced incoming damage from all sources. How d2 works armor "resilience" is just the player's health which is purely affected by numbers. So if your max health is 150 HP and a weapon does 160 damage your dead in one shot. However, if it's a perk that reduces the damage that makes it so even a 160 damage weapon wouldn't kill you at 150 HP depending on how much it reduces. So the perk should reduce all incoming damage to say 20% and this will really make the helmet exotic and worth the slot. The only other way to make it work as it did in d1 is to add lots of extra armor or health to the player. I'm talking 100 more health points.
The second perk could be melee faster like a real Ram. Maybe it can unlock Felwinter's heavy knee move.
You do realize that warlocks have a rift, right? They don’t need an exotic to starting healing and they even get an overshield.
Bro. Your asking for warlocks to actually have an exotic that dosent suck and can actively be used that's not just a passive meh buff. Look at D2's track record. The only really good warlock exotic (which was only for PvE) got destroyed. Yet it's still our best PvE exotic!
One way to solve the OEM problem.
^this Ram?
I miss the Ram
YES I loved the ram
I love this idea of reducing damage from all sources and increasing melee speed. (i'd appreciate it if it was even faster than the other two classes so they could also understand our pain of losing to a melee battle they started).
It should have a rework. Like being shot marks the person who shot you for like I don’t know 10 seconds and you get wall hacks. Then if you kill them you get an overshield and damage increase. That seems very balanced
I'm fine with Ram coming back, but people need to stop acting like wormhusk is still powerful. It's only being used because of arc battery, once that's gone/nerfed the wormhusk won't exactly be used much anymore. At least call out some other hunter exotic that actually is good without the artifact.
Another tank exotic in d2? Pass
Edited by RPColten: 11/6/2019 7:51:05 AMWhat did it do? E: I wasn't much a Warlock player during D1. Hardly payed attention to Warlock exotics.
*reads title* *suddenly experiences PTSD* Uhh... please don't.
Fine by me, I just want my Bones of Eao back.
Just do this and bring back twilight garrison, and bring Graviton Forfeit to its former glory: Lightning fast dodge recharge, no reload or melee recharge (and shadestep animation)
[spoiler]Voidfang Vestments[/spoiler]
Ram would be good for the armor part but the other exotic part should be reworked imo maybe a nova bomb related?
Only if its the original un nerfed version.
As if you whiners need more reasons to complain. You'll have fun with it for about three weeks then -blam!- about how OP it is because you died in Crucible.
Edited by Hawpy: 11/5/2019 9:48:05 PMYes and no. OEM and Stompies have been too powerful for too long, and now Arc Battery Wormhusk is in the fray. It'd be great if Warlocks had a top-tier PvP Exotic - and no, Astrocyte Verse doesn't count because the only people who think it's OP are the ones who don't know how to fight against Blink. That said, I don't want to see a good Exotic come back because I know it'll be nerfed into irrelevance in the first balance patch thereafter.
Destiny 2 should’ve had all of the exotics incorporated already into the game at launch and then added new and unique exotics with each expansion
Yes, please continue to reuse old assets at virtually no expense to yourself, Bungie, while charging your players to access them. FFS.
More recycled stuff from D1? How about some new armor that isn't a free drop from the campaign. Something to chase. All of the new exotics are just being handed out for doing almost nothing. I had everything in the first week.
Edited by idioTeo: 11/5/2019 4:46:18 PMWatch this getting ignored by everyone because warlocks are a small % in destiny pvp and hunters and titans just want their crutch to be the only crutch Warlocks need a huge buff, at least our melee should get as fast as the other classes
I want it for fashion reasons, I miss it
I'm only fine with The Ram coming back if it's the pre-nerf version that grants an invisible +5 (+50 in D2) boost to Resilience that can go over the 100 cap. Let me go back to having 221 HP pls Bungie.