Okay so I'm playing Destiny 2 and I finally got to the 9th stage in the Haunted Forest. By my understanding, I'm supposed to received my pinnacle gear after the activity is over with however nothing was put into my inventory or anything. And the pinnacle gear task just went away and vanished. So what gives Bungie? I did all of that to just not have have the gear that I earned? I'm very disappointed... :/
Since you are below 940, your pinnacle reward would have been +5 of whatever your base power is, which looks to have been around 906-907 at the time. If you got a 911 or 912 item from the activity, that was your pinnacle reward. Otherwise keep in mind sometimes items that go straight to your inventory might not flash, so check all your slots for a higher power item and also be sure to check your Postmaster if any slots are full.