Title. I wish to write a poem about a specific subject[spoiler]Monte Carlo and how much I love it[/spoiler] but I do not know where to start. Any advice?
nothing rhymes with "gong."
It is a fun gun Auto rifle for melee Works best on titan
... Make it rhyme, or make a Haiku because they don't have to make sense... I like anime titties They're round and nice Fu[i][/i]ck you [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Write a haiku since They do not have to make sense Hippopotamus
Don’t be a sheep.
I ain't one for poetry, aint' one for prose. Ain't one for the scent of a sping-time rose. But the is one face that I do know, I sure get a kick out of that Beavis and Butt-head show.
Use a thesaurus
Pro tip: Nothing rhymes with orange.
Don’t ask for feedback and write what you will
Rhyme a lot with things no one cares about.
Yes [spoiler]baited[/spoiler]
Definitely include the phrase “pokey boi”
From what I understand, a poem is just an intense expression of a certain emotion. There's no real trick to doing it, other than that old cliche "write from the heart."
I wish I may, I wish I might, wish upon RNG for the Monte Carlo tonight
figure out what you want to say and make it rhyme
Have some type of rhyming pattern. Also use alliterations or assonance
I don’t do poems but Monte Carlo is pretty nice