Could you be more specific on the 3rd step of Randy's quest as of what counts toward the objective ?
Some also have reported bugs as most of the kills and medals don't give any progress.
Thank you
The quickest way to complete it seems to be to use a fusion rifle and get 2 kills in one life to get the cold fusion medal, one of those alone I think is 1% plus any other medals you get in a match. Once I started doing that I completed that step pretty quick.
The medal progress requires 14,000 medal points. Many medals only award one point, so that is a lot of medals to get and why it may appear that medals aren't counting because 1/14,000 isn't going to move the progress bar. However, other medals award significantly more points. Of note are weapon kill medals where you get kills in a single life with the same weapon without reloading or stowing. For instance a common one is Cold Fusion. That medal will award something closer to like 150 points. Also the multi-kill medals tend to award more points as well such as double and triple kill medals.
you need 14000 kills and medals in total for the 3rd step...