You locked my post that is trending right now because you thought it was troll bait when it wasn't. Then it got flagged against the code of conduct even though I read the code of conduct and it did no such thing towards going against it.
I tried to edit the post and delete it or take it down and now I can't. I tried messaging you twice inquiring about my post with no response. I have done all I can to avoid future conflict over that post yet their team is letting it trend and go out of control.
I did not mean to break the Code of Conduct and am afraid if it continues trending they might do worse like lock my game account which would make me quit Destiny for good. And I have been grinding since D1 beta. Please DMG if your reading this, reply to my PM or take my post down!
I just want to avoid any further punishments do to that post. I wasn't trolling. I just figured some hardcore Destiny fans would troll reply and down vote it.
I did not mean to break any rules. I am sorry if I did...
Honest question, but what were you expecting when you created the [url=]Just sell Destiny rights to a company that can afford actual good content[/url] thread, especially when you make [i]*sits back and watches the troll replies*[/i] comment? One can look at this and view this as you were openly enticing disruption to the forums and as such your thread was locked. While I might not agree with Dylan's explanation on why he locked your thread, but I do agree that it warranted to be locked. While there were some good points made by those who replied, I think you could of and should have went about it in a different manner. If that post in it's current iteration has you concern about avoiding the possibility of a future conflict, then let it serve as a reminder to think before you post something.