What exactly does it take to do this quest?
I get 15 defeat and numerous medals but only get credit for 14 of the 14,000 points required for this quest. Who the hell made the points system for this?
I got through 75% getting the scout kills and since have struggled to get 5% playing 5-10 games a week for 3 weeks. How is this even a grind? There is no direct correlation to anything kills/medals what is the actual metric? What “medals” are you counting because last I checked there was a TON and most people earn 5-10 a game since 25-50% of kills are considered blood-for-blood medals
The medal I did was cold fusion. Get 2 kills without reloading a fusion rifle. Gave a good amount and wasn’t frustrating
Weapon specific streaks, sounds like you’re mostly doing kinetic kills? I went for cold fusion and sub machinist during momentum. 2 kills-die-repeat