Last I heard about it was almost half a year ago, during I think Season of the Drifter, where it was said it was being looked at alongside Ward of Dawn.
Well, Ward of Dawn’s been buffed. Yet Thundercrash is still Thundertickle.
Code of the Missile buff when?
Edited by RoachB0nd: 12/1/2019 10:43:27 AMI’m still calling it the fist of havoc
More than a buff the Super itself needs a re design on how it functions. It’s useless in PvP and impossible to aim on moving targets. The sprint/dive bomb whatever it’s called is plenty strong but I think you need to dive more quickly on activation as you’re basically just a hanging target and jumping already puts you in a risky position.
Bungie takes 6+months to address things. They suck at their jobs
PLEASE LOOK AT THIS IF YOU'RE A WARLOCK Check out this forum topic
A bump for a buff. Keep up the good work.
Coming in the next update. We’ll give details in next week’s TWAB.
We'll give updates, just not about anything you care about! Love Bungie
They should remove the limit on how high we can fly upwards
Edited by DuBChiri2: 11/27/2019 10:48:22 PMRemember guys, because it can potentially charge fast, that means it deserves to suck as a pve damage super. *looks at chaos reach and bottom tree gunslinger* Yep, no other super does high damage and charges fast. And no other skill tree or class has the build potential to charge as fast as thundercrash either. *looks at top tree stormcaller with crown of tempests and ashes to assets, bottom tree sentinel with doomfang, blade barrage with shards, bottom tree sunbreaker with a good neutral build and enhanced ashes to assets and so on* Yeah those don't exist either. [spoiler]sometimes people just don't realize the hypocrisy in their argument. I understand that it charges fast, but any solid build can reduce the charge time of any subclass without much real effort and sometimes the other builds might even be more beneficial overall because they also have a more viable neutral game. It's basically people just trying to shit on thundercrash because they like it better when they don't have to worry about it. Well I for one am tired of this petty nonsense and I want a reason to use it other than to drag my team down.[/spoiler]
Warlocks ask for buff...nothing. Titans ask for it comes!!!
PLEASE LOOK AT THIS IF YOU'RE A WARLOCK Check out this forum topic
I’m not even a Titan main and I agree. It’s one of the least used subclasses it seems.
The Dev team likely doesn't even know
I've already said it needed PvE damage buff's, but tbh I want the field damage on hit removed, and a big aoe explosion instead, a small electric pool is lackluster. Sincerely, a warlock who like's cool explosions.
It needs more of a rework than a buff. Also middle tree arc strider shouldnt be able to block the Thundercrash explosion... theres nothing to block lol
Honestly, I'd rather them get rid of the fixed subclasses altogether, revert the classes, supers and tree structure back to how it was in D1 and then add the option to run the roaming super or changes made for the other classes for those that like them in D2. Thundercrash is nothing more than a whimpified version of Death from Above from D1.
Edited by fromunda73: 11/28/2019 12:37:52 PMIf anything bring back the warlock self rez!!! Stop this nonsense with the subclasses!!
Have you used it in mayhem? So find a little area to camp in, stick up barriers, n when you see red on radar go balls deep. Legit fun. I played a guy doing it n it frustrated the hell out of me.
I havent heard about nova warp buff so I doubt thundercrash would get buffed either
I hope it gets a buff. Its unacceptable in its current state.
No news. They are too busy counting their money and deleting posts regarding hackers and aimbots.
thUnDEr CrasH bUfF Guys it doesn't need a buff. You get it insanely quick and if it was meant as solely boss dps it wouldn't make you smash the boss. Y'all are just using the super wrong
Arcstrider has a bottom tier ASSSSSS too
Edited by Tk: 11/28/2019 9:30:32 AMA buff thats long overdue. An exotic (perigrine fists?) that significantly buffs the super would be cool
Why does it need a buff?
I’m a Hunter and I just totally agree, the damage should be equal or even greater than something like Blade Barrage, because you’re transporting your body to whatever you’re trying to fight, I have so many Titan friends who just want a decent, good DPS, instant cast super.