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Edited by Delta of a Thousand Faces: 1/20/2020 12:41:59 PM

(Fanfic) AUDIO LOG #8 “Lift off”

// PREVIOUS LOG DETECTED // CREATING LINK TO [url=]AUDIO LOG 1[/url] // CREATING LINK TO [url=]AUDIO LOG 5[/url] // ELEVATED STRESS LEVELS DETECTED IN // USER: ‘SAHVOZ-88’ // BEGINNING RECORDING... SAHVOZ-88: “!!! Where...where am I?” // SECOND USER DETECTED: ‘VETRA’ VETRA: “Hey hey, easy there Voz. It was just a dream, we’re still in the caves.” SAHVOZ-88: “I..I....she...” VETRA: “Hey, it’s ok now. Another one about her?” SAHVOZ-88: “Yeah...they’re getting worse, more....real.” VETRA: “Look, it was just a dream. Anyway, you did all you could. It isn’t your fault.” SAHVOZ-88: “Of course it is, [i]I[/i] pulled the trigger, didn’t I?” VETRA: “It was the only choi-” SAHVOZ-88: “Like hell it was! I could have at least tried to help her! To cure the Siva......but instead....” VETRA: “ know that isn’t possible.” SAHVOZ-88: “I know? No one knows! No one knows because anyone that’s tried to research it is six feet under!” VETRA: “Exactly, you can’t study it for any [i]cures[/i] if it kills you!” SAHVOZ: “I.......yeah....that ship done yet?” VETRA: “Actually, yes. It finished rebooting about ten minutes ago.” SAHVOZ-88: “Good, can’t wait to finally get out of this hole. I’ll fire up the engines, you transmat our stuff onboard.” VETRA: “Got it.” *Distant Roar* VETRA: “Wait a second....” SAHVOZ-88: “By the Void, GET OUR STUFF IN HERE NOW!” VETRA: “What the hell is this thing?!” SAHVOZ-88: “I don’t know but it’s coming fast!” *roaring* VETRA: “Get us out of here already!” SAHVOZ-88: “The engines need a minute to heat up!” VETRA: “Well they better hurry up! It’s nearly on top of us!” SAHVOZ-88: “Why can’t anything I kill stay dead?.....Alright, we’re ready to go, let’s get out of he-“ *metal crashing* *alarms* VETRA: “IT’S GOT A HOLD OF US!” SAHVOZ-88: “Good.” VETRA: “GOOD?! HOW IN THE SEVEN CIRCLES IS THIS GOOD?!” SAHVOZ-88: “Because it grabbed the [i]back[/i] of the ship. You better hold on, I’m about to burn this thing more than a Xeno!” *Loud Roars* SAHVOZ-88: “AHA! Take that you *static* DEFORMED SACK OF CABAL SHI*static* Ogre lookin’ Calus stain! We. Are. OUT!” VETRA: “Here we go again. Wait, Ogre looking Calus stain?” SAHVOZ-88: “Yup, that’s what I said and I’m stickin’ to it.” VETRA: “Ok? Anyway, are we heading to Ana so we can get rid of this walking freak show?” SAHVOZ-88: “Not yet....I need to have a [i]talk[/i] with Spider first.” // RECORDING ENDS... // FUTURE LOG DETECTED // CREATING LINK TO [url=]AUDIO LOG 9[/url]

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