I’m back! A weeks ban for saying the warlocks got the D with the new solar subclass “buff” was heavy handed and unnecessary.
Whoever moderates these forums seriously went nuts after slapping a weeks ban on me. In seven years of using the bungie.net (5 years on this profile alone) I have never received a weeks forum ban. Let alone for just saying the words got “D-ckd.”
Anyway - the warlock top tree buff? What’s with nerfing a skill tree to funnel people into the top tree? Double dash will be exceptionally good but let’s talk about the basics fundamentals.
The in air accuracy. Using what was somewhat useful in pve the heat rising (turns you into a duck hunt, with glowing solar effects to help get shot in pvp) effect to remove the air accuracy in general? Consume a grenade to remove in air accuracies (with no way of synergy and regaining grenade abilities) is a fundamental flaw in the subclass.
What do these immortal warriors fly around and practice missing? The subclass is built on air superiority and in air accuracy......
Then - MAPS. Most don’t support the ability to float to well and only certain maps like the trials map and the midtown maps can be utilized. Sure double dodge is going to be AMAZING (think OG twighlight garrisons for the Titan ) but having to eat a grenade then jump to remove in air penalties sounds crazy and flaws the subclass from its core.
Again we will see. But very doubtful against catapult titans and stompee hunters warlocks will be king of the air.
Also extremely well summed up very well here with the user also discussing the “buffs” and breaking down the fundamental flaws -
I tried to reply to you before - but replies were blocked for this last week. So kudos on your well worded and needed post.
[u]Then - Warlock crucible exotics[/u] - no buffs to any of the requests going back years? Melee speed, jumping abilities (actually removing the burst glide in a supers second nerf) and the lack of pvp exotics in general? While off topic and discussing solar changes what about - Lance, shatter and usable scatter grenades?
Sanguine robes? What’s the harm in allowing players to utilize a very underused exotic and put down the rifts and run around with the tracking effect? Hunters void class, the exotic bow, the foe tracer and one eye mask allow for this trait but an underwhelming warlock exotic armour gets a 35 meter effect and can’t move to keep it active?
Wings of sacred dawn? Why not just have them remove all in air accuracy penalties or heal on head shot kills while floating?
To strong you say? Meanwhile after THREE nerfs, eye mask will still have its core tracking strengths and will STILL be better than basically all the warlock PVP exotic armours.
Activated by been shot and not even needing a full strength / rift charge.
Funny how the nova warp (a super move) got corrected on the warlock class while eye mask is left for entire seasons. Now this is NOT to start a flame war or bashing on any class but class balance went up the water (first with the hunters husk in its sandbox) then after with the eye mask the ante really got upped.
* First nerf to OEM you had to remove over shielding from SUPERS (still laughing at who balanced this one and allowed that in crucible.) But MONTHS of terrible balancing and four stacks or titans running the same exotic we get.....
* The Second nerf - removed the speed at health regen and over shields. Still laughing at class balance.
* THIRD NERF - and still the strongest crucible armour in the game now inline with worm husk and hunters. Finally removing the over shield! Lmao - you think? A shooting game penalty against players shooting something? Even no back up plans never had this kind of utility even when shotguns were more dominant.
Meanwhile Warlocks - Let’s all use the steps and aspects going back to D1. Or if you feel adventurous you could stack five grenade mods with the holds in the neutered void super and class.
Your basic and best option is the most recently buffed arc class.
Meanwhile warlocks get the stag and Sanguine robes - no range increase or been able to take the tracking from the sanguine rift? Or the stag been able to throw down healing rifts at a faster speed in crucible?
The new “buffs” to the solar subclass basically funnels players and removes one of the funnest elements for a super.
Along with the husk and hunter enjoying significantly better movement and crucible. Arc supers charge it’s health regen by sprinting and dodging (to gain an over shield in certain cases) is way stronger than any stationary rift. This season even having an over shield through dodging (though this is going where is the balancing act??)
Though the hunters husk was never the insanity level of the OEM but still remained stronger than any warlock exotics for the history of the games series.
Even the RAM in D1 is debatable vs the husk / OEM. In my opinion no where near as close as the strength and utility of the husk / OEM.
Then the nerf for the D1 sun bracers (yes striking a small target triggers a good amount of grenades) for add clearing is GREAT fun, but during boss fights grenade damage doesn’t stack still? Do I dare say that d1 had it better for the bracers?
Two solar charges off the bat with no need to activate the effect.
I’m saying yes.
The Monte Carlo turned this exotic into something useful as amazing - but still didn’t address grenade damage stacking in general or the new solar subclass buff. D1 sun bracers were better in general having two solar charges without the need to melee a soft target. The Monte Carlo buff was amazing btw and does turn the bracers into a fun exotic (but crucible wise? Average at best.) I’m sincerely hoping we get an oppressive darkness type buff to the solar grenades on the artifact <<?!!
So basically wings of sacred dawn? Here’s is sincerely hoping and then starfire protocol.
This is going to be a go to option for solar locks and the dual fusions may make sense in allowing the air accuracy penalties some respite.
So a long post - but smashing bans, not announcing the changes and censoring posts? Great censorship and lack of communication with your community about upcoming changes and handing out week long forum bans (for saying warlocks get the D?)
Mature thoughts and peaaace!!!!
dont care didnt ask plus you have no linked account