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12/4/2019 3:10:21 AM

This is Destiny without content droughts. It's not a bad system, but there's still room to grow and improve.

Posted this on reply to the pinned Season of the Dawn thread... [spoiler][quote]I like that D1 maps are being brought back and that they're now the actual old versions and not reimagined versions like Distant Shore and Convergence. I really hope there's also another brand new map with this season as well. As far as the new 6 player activity, I guess this is what Destiny is now and needs to be to satisfy the population that screams that they're bored and there's nothing to do a month into every release after no-lifing the content, but I wish things had evolved differently. There's so much content that has been built for this game that is essentially wasted: the initial campaign, the farm, every arena... So now we have another new arena that will exist for 3 months and then go away or be pointless again. I wish that at some point, instead of a flavor of the month new activity, the studio would just focus on making a ton of new weapon and armor designs and then 1) update all the planet vendors with new weapons and either new armor or new armor ornaments to grind. I'd play the hell out of the planets and patrols again if there were awesome new armor sets to chase there. 2) bring back factions and have them function like they did between D1 years 2 and 3. Give them cool new weapons and armor ornaments to chase and refresh them at least yearly. Also give them really cool Exotic class items to chase like D1 Y2. 3) give new loot pools to existing arenas: EP, Blind Well, etc, and update them with at least new armor/ ornaments on a yearly basis. 4) update lost sectors and strikes with their own unique armor ornament sets on a yearly basis. Just by making a ton of cool new designs for weapons and armor, the studio could make so much content relevant again and it's the one area of the game that it just seems the studio never focuses on because of either rebuilding/changing development direction or constantly trying to have new activities for that crowd.[/quote] [/spoiler] ...and agree or disagree, this is Destiny without content droughts. Seasons are going to continue to be focused and most likely will continue to introduce a new arena mode with new loop grind, a new Exotic quest and a new PvP mode or PvE Dungeon or raid lair. I see a lot of negative feedback about this in that thread as well as in other forum posts, but there's a reason we got here and it's been through community feedback as well. I'm sure there will be the usual "don't blame the community, we didn't ask for this" comments, but yes the community did and maybe it wasn't you or your friends, but was there and from people with Bungie's ear. I'm sure at this point there will be the people saying "don't blame streamers" and you know what? People who play for a living are going to ask for a game that they have new activities every season as well as long grinds to give them the opportunity to get and use/review content before other players. So in that sense, it is on Bungie to find a way to keep them happy as well as keep regular everyday players happy and invested. And to be honest, I think this season has been better at it than years one or two. Year one didn't have the deep grind investments for the content community and hard core collectors and year two was way too grindy and punishing and turned the game into a job for regular players. I still haven't checked back into PvE really this season (I bought SK) and don't know if I will next season, but I was still able to play the hell out of what I enjoy in the game right now (Crucible), and level to 965 playing 99% Control and IB. I also have been able to put together the best and most customized to my play style character build since HoW's re-rolling with the new armor 2.0 setup, which, outside of artifact mod imbalance in PvP, has been awesome in my opinion. All that said, I still believe that the game and development have gotten too micro-focused on these seasonal content drops and the game as an entire entity has suffered as a result with only a few things having relevance and most of the game content having no real value or draw at the moment. As I outlined in my quoted reply above, I think the biggest issue the game suffers from (and has since D2 launched), is a lack of weapon and armor assets. I thought that issue really helped kill year one's static rolls and adding random rolls was a bandaid that didn't fix anything. My 10th random rolled Better Devils still was just a Better Devils and an instant dismantle. The game needs a ton of new guns and armor and they don't have to be any more powerful or have game breaking perks, but they do need to have original new designs and not just be reused assets we've seen for 5 years now in some cases. There's no reason for old content to lose relevance or purpose when just updating loot pools or in the case of old raids, make the armor drops ornaments, and there's still a reason for players to go play everything; and when these micro-content seasons do drop, there's other cool new things we're still chasing and acquiring as we run old strikes, patrols, lost sectors, etc and the entire game stays fresh and relevant and isn't just a grind for grinds sake. Thank you.

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  • Go away sols you do not speak for the people

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    2 Replies
    • Some players have been here since September of 2014. At what point do we stop waiting for things to "grow and improve" and start realizing that this is the quality we should be expecting and just accept that this franchise will never be what it was supposed to be?

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      23 Replies
      • Quality > Quantity If they took more time to properly address content and other changes then I'll gladly wait out the drought.

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      • It's a permanent reskin cycle... that is a content drought. Its like eating sugar to kill your hunger and growing fat without shitting.

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      • It's still a content drought if it's bad content that's not worth playing.

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      • This dude mutes anyone who disagrees with him. Don’t listen to this dude. He is toxic and disrespectful towards others that have a different point of view.

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      • So did you play any of the PVE content for the season or any for SK?

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      • undying was one massive drought sols.

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      • Without content draughts? Yeah we've just got them outright removing content and modes now. Explain how them outright removing Vex Assault is a good thing. Give me Challange of the Elders over this FOMO garbage. At least i'll be able to play it on my own schedule and not lose the mode later so Bungie can say 'you had to be there.' This will bite them in the ass later.

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        3 Replies
        • Hey Sols, they've just created a whole 9 month content drought just for you. Starting Dec 10th

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        • [quote] I still haven't checked back into PvE really this season[/quote] And yet, here you are, running your neck like you know something.

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        • [quote]I still haven’t really checked back into PvE[/quote] Then why are you posting? Genuinely, why?

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          • If you dont mistakenly attribute things from shadowkeep to the season undying was garbage. A snoozefest 6 man activity with no hard mode, the same boss (first minotaur then hydra) and lackluster rewards that were reskinned from coo AND there were only 4 guns...3 meh ritual weapons, a bad exotic heavy bow and...that's it. Dawn is going to be the same - except they dont even have ritual guns apparently... Season of the drifter which was the worst of the annual pass dlcs was better then this offering gambit prime, 3 pinnacles several of which were really good, a dredgen vs vanguard quest, zero hour, the armors that each had unique perks, guns that had new perks like firing line or full court, reckoning which had multiple tiers and different bosses with mechanics. As for opulence and black armory, they sweep the floor with the Y3 seasons.

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          • But is it really a no content drought? It's 90% reused, reskinned, returning content with a bit of flair and changes to make it look exciting again. People have asked for NEW activities, NEW gear,NEW content. Instead we get copy, paste, and some pieces replaced. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying reusing old content is completely bad. I personally would like ti see Venus, Old Russia including the Cosmodrome and SIVA all be introduced into D2 (Truthfully I feel that all of the previous primary D1 locations should have been part of the base game, and the new stuff added to or expanded upon it.) I'm just saying that this isn't entirely what we asked for. And I mean ya technically it is content and thus not a content drought, but at the same time to just keep spitting out old content with a fresh coat of paint doesn't entirely qualify either.

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            4 Replies
            • Imagine thinking this game has "content" when the formula is so repeated the vast majority is of "content" is just the same crap you've played. In slightly different order. Talk about getting duped. You deserve it, though.

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              3 Replies
              • Without content droughts? What game are you playing? What content? All we get is a horde experience with a weekly reward gate. Stop. Just stop advocating for uninspired lazy development.

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                2 Replies
                • I'm sick an tired of people like you who always pop up an say we asked for this? Did we ask for a battle pass? Did we ask for dlc's to ship with minimal content drops? Did we ask for an armour re work an then add a ton of limitations to it? Did we ask for the master work system to cost 3 times as much? Did we ask for a pathetic artifact to grind for every season? Did we ask for 3 times more items to be put into eververse? The answer is No we didn't, but yet we still got it because 5 years into the franchise they still don't have a clue what direction they wanna take this game.

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                  10 Replies
                  • Another post from Solz where he claims the right to talk for community and fails once again. Since year 1 all you did was to create attention to your name and with that efforts you were invited to the summit which created the worst destiny ever. Again you are trying to do the same and act like a big Bungie supporter so you can be invited to the next summit so you may create more advertisement for your name. The game is dying because of your feedback. Why don't you stop already ?

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                    7 Replies
                    • Erm...... you just admitted to not actually [i]playing[/i] any of the content.... so why should we care about your opinion again? Smh

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                      1 Reply
                      • You're attempting to have a rational discussion with a location that is aprox 80% adults who act like children. Brave, but foolish.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Quality over quantity. Nothing In D2 felt rewarding..

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                          11 Replies
                          • [quote]As I outlined in my quoted reply above, I think the biggest issue the game suffers from (and has since D2 launched), is a lack of weapon and armor assets. I thought that issue really helped kill year one's static rolls and adding random rolls was a bandaid that didn't fix anything. My 10th random rolled Better Devils still was just a Better Devils and an instant dismantle.[/quote] Addressing the loot issues would alleviate a lot of the problems people seem to have with how the seasonal content is released. There simply is not enough unique loot in the game for players to chase.

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                            1 Reply
                            • I prefer the old system.

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                            • It depends on why your end goal while playing destiny. If it’s power, then after the first 2-3 weeks your left with 2 (3 ifiron banner is around) pinnacle sources. Unless you feel like counting the artifact. If you play to get good weapons, you probably already have mountain top and recluse. As well as a plethora of legendaries from other content. If you play for good armour, congrats! You only need one set of each affinity. TLDR This season’s content drought feels like the same as any other season

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                            • Content Droughts are a good thing. Allows people to branch out and play other things. I hate the Seasonal Model cause it is Psychologically Manipulative with all the FOMO attached to it.

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                              21 Replies
                              • So now, post stream, let's revisit... - there look like there may be a couple of new exotics (quests?) - Another 100 levels of weaponized FOMO that you have to work like a job to finish. - Menagerie 3.0...this time with 100x more sun! - And rotating bosses, I guess. - Sparrows on Mercury (which could've just been patched in) - Probably a beginning cut scene with Osiris, and and ending cut scene with Saint 14 - Mercury forge weapons with mods? (This also could have been accomplished with a patch) How is it, exactly, that Destiny is better with seasons? Like, at all.

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