originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hey what’s up!!! I’m looking for a clan of fun relaxed people like myself! I’m an old D1 vet who recently returned and bought D2 a couple of months ago and am looking to find a group to do some raids, pvp and basically any other group activity with!!! I run exclusively on hunter and I’m a dab hand in both pvp and pve if I do say so myself! (Currently own all expansions).
So ya hit me up if you’ve space for somebody like me I’ll probably chat through discord mostly but can use whatever chat people want.
Branch 9 ! [Raids Endgame and noob friendly] [Dedicate Raid teams and Sherpa's] https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3805862 Branch 9 is looking for you to join their ranks ! we offer Alot of things from new friendships being forged, to Sherpa's To Guidance and Weapon Sherpa's LFG's for people trying to get their pinnacle or quest weapons We have a dedicated Admin team that will will guide you through anything We are mainly based in the British Standard Timezone We have a Dedicate Raid team that runs sherpa's twice a week with about 5 to 6 Raids a week, Dedicated communications between admins and members 2 week inactivity rule, 5K minimum a week recruitment, No need for DLC's F2P's are welcome ! Mic Required and must be using Discord ! https://discord.gg/XrRN5uC