I am not really for a select few streamers telling those who didn’t like the reveal to play another game. Not cool. Going after devs or a company for this isn’t good either. Bungie is willing to listen and as much as we celebrate their triumphs, the mis-steps need to be addressed as well.
Also this conversation about the season costing only 10$, I think it has more to do with those trying to find a reason to play consistently for the whole season. While shadowkeep was amazing, the season of undying lacked the replayability of previous seasons.
If Black armory had a few less forges, it still would have been a solid expansion simply because you had a very good loop of loot farming. To date forges have set a standard of how to entice players to try to grind for something just that one more time.
I am also for reserving judgement and actually waiting to see what the content is before getting angry about it. This has more to do with how little was shown today when people are trying to convince both themselves and their friends to come back to destiny.
Isolating such people and asking them to play another game, calling them a nerd or whatever doesn’t work. At the end of the day a healthy and active player base is good both for the game and it’s community.
"This has more to do with how little was shown today when people are trying to convince both themselves and their friends to come back to destiny." I´m already gone. And I won´t come back. And a lot of my former clanmates too. While the loot is underwhelming, Eververseum is full of cool looking stuff iIwan´t to be rewarded with. BUT through playing, not paying. And the gamemodes are boring, Gambit is shit, no new pinnacle weapons, no vender refresh, Armor 2.0 is a hamster-wheel-shitshow, old loot is useless, PVP is still trash. And again they re-use and reskin old shit: Menagerie 2.0. Why should I play this? 3 new exos for 3-4 months? LMAO. Too bad for the fanboys who bought the 60 € SK version and will be bamboozled again, while they defend to be scammed.