I am very depressed and mad. I had gotten tranquility, an exotic, a couple of other very good legendary weapons and a piece of armor I did not have space for so they went to post master. The armor was from the season pass and stuff and now its all gone. How do i get this back? i worked EXTREMELY hard to get some of this stuff, and i have been working the whole season for it. Now it's gone. PLEEEAAASSSEEEE HELP!!
Unfortunately lost items cannot be restored. The postmaster is not intended for storage. Older items will be replaced as new items come in. https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46166
Well actually it gives a time limit if it got deleted before the time limit then you need to fix it its your job period. New items dont go into the post master if hes full sooo. So many excuses and you wonder why people arent impressed with you right now bungie. Step it up and get professional your a gamig company grow a pair and deal with your screw ups
There is no way possible? bungie cant help make it easier or anything?