Title. The issue is at its most severe in Crucible, where I will black screen and start the match at anywhere from 20 to as low as 4 FPS. My FPS improves as the game goes on, slowly, but if more than 2 enemies are on screen I will go from 90-100 down to 40-50 FPS.
PC Stats:
Ryzen 5 3600
16 GB G Skill 3600mhz DDR4
Aorus Gaming Elite X470
Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
750 Gold rated EVGA PSU
I KNOW its my graphics card because I just upgraded from an EVGA GTX 1070 ACX Black Edition that was superclocked and was easily getting 80-100 frames with no stutters. I upgraded from a 2600 to a 3600 earlier this month and also had zero issues. The GPU is completely stock, haven't done any clocking adjustments.
Please perform a clean video driver install with the latest version available.