Decided to hop on Destiny 2 to grind out some pvp! started with a normal elimination match to check the internet. Proceeded to die 5 times in a row with handheld supernova and thought that was enough of the game for today. Any word on a patch or can hunters finally get a 1 shot ability too?
[u]Destiny Gauntlet[/u]
Space stone: Shoulder Charge
Mind Stone: One Eyed Mask
Reality Stone: Shotguns CAN range that far
Power Stone: Handheld Supernova
Time Stone: No more Trials of Osiris
Soul Stone: Removing No Land Beyond
and half the D1 fans have gone away...
[quote]Decided to hop on Destiny 2 to grind out some pvp! started with a normal elimination match to check the internet. Proceeded to die 5 times in a row with handheld supernova and thought that was enough of the game for today. Any word on a patch or can hunters finally get a 1 shot ability too? [u]Destiny Gauntlet[/u] Space stone: Shoulder Charge Mind Stone: One Eyed Mask Reality Stone: Shotguns CAN range that far Power Stone: Handheld Supernova Time Stone: No more Trials of Osiris Soul Stone: Removing No Land Beyond and half the D1 fans have gone away...[/quote] Here is the trick to not dying to HHSN: don’t run at the purple glowing warlock.
If you leave the game, or hate the game, because they got rid of one sniper than I feel really really sorry for you
Yeah, Bungie already told us tomorrow.
OHK throwing knife coming tomorrow for Hunters.