My partner kerrybee1211 completed all steps for undying but the seal has disappeared from her triumphs screen can this be looked into as she worked hard to complete and was booted from servers before she could click to accept seal
I there no where we can appeal the seal wasn't easy to get and we work for a living had to grind hard to get it .... she did all the work all the weapons and the hellish crucible doesn't seem fair to exclude her because the system went down early
Unfortunately if players did not claim the title before the season ended there is no way to receive it now.
Can i please have details for a complaints dept i haven't spent hundreds on base games and dlcs since launch of d1 my partner did all the work and was kicked before she could claim her prize I'm not accepting that the coding no longer exists to give her the seal she has earned and frankly i have paid for
Unfortunately if the seal was not claimed, there is no way to do so anymore.
This is rediuclius yall are theives honestly if some9ne paid for it you shouldnt give any other answer but yes sir right away sir. Money transfer to bungie = what we paid for by law. And i like how you totally ignored the guy asking for a ban appeal, no email or reasoning for being banned and you cant be man enough yo teply to him he should sue yall frankly. This no support thing should be against the law to, its bungie responsibility not some know it all players who think they know what their talking about.