Dear Bungie,
My last post has been taken away by your ninjas, so my last hope is this forum post, I wasnt sure how to apply for an Unban appeal, and thus, here I am. Please if at all possible, remove the Permanent Ban from my account. When I found out about it, my heart sank, and felt as if Uldren put a hole right through it. It felt harsh that such a hardcore ban would be placed on my account. I've been playing Destiny 2 since the Free to Play event went on back in November of 2018, where Destiny 2 was sold through Blizzard. When I played on Steam with Cross-Play, I played almost 400 hours on the game. I made many purchases, to help support the game through the Eververse shop, and well, I would really like to just have my account back, and get back to playing the game. Please, I would be so grateful if you guys unban my account. I have many more things to say, and if you are wondering I can show what led to my ban. Please and thank you.
Welp never mind. Just read your other post and you got banned for downloading a cheat just to try out in the game. Not sure why you would trust the site but your ban is done forever. No appeal.