For those who like context:
During the Hive war with the Ecumene, Auryx (yes, I mean Auryx, that was his old name, before he got the power to take) killed Savathun and Xivu Arath in their throne worlds to add their power to his own. These were true deaths, as they were in their throne worlds. Yet later he brings them back, in "XXIX: Carved in Ruin."
"Oryx made war on the Ecumene for a hundred years. At the end of those hundred years he killed the Ecumene Council on the Fractal Wreath, and from their blood rose Xivu Arath, saying, 'I am war, and you have conjured me back with war.'"
"Then Oryx and Xivu Arath made war on the Ecumene for forty years. At the end of those forty years Oryx said to the Dakaua Nest, listen, I am jealous of my sibling Xivu Arath, help me kill her. And in desperation they agreed.
But he drove the Dakaua Nest into a trap, and they were made extinct. From their ashes rose cunning Savathûn, saying, 'I am trickery, and you have conjured me back with trickery.'"
This could mean that Oryx is not truly gone, unless his making his throne world into the dreadnought changed something with that, and if this is true, we could be in some real trouble. This would mean our war with the hive and the darkness is just in a lull, not over. We may have to kill the entire Oryx family yet again, and truly all of them this time. Or else this will never end.
It seems the High War is not yet over.
A later entry after Oryx is stranded confirms these were not in fact deaths in their Throne worlds, as Xivu describes being sent deep into her own. That’s simply the summoning method. Returning to reality is a big venture for Ascendant Hive