Who wants sparrow racing
Year 3 of D1 was so much better than D2 is now. These are the best reasons in my opinion. You could do any activity and progress to 400 Light. Exotic engrams, strike specific loot, faction packages, raids, and Archon Forge drops were all guaranteed to be above your light level and up to 400 Light. You used skeleton keys for strike specific loot, instead of running the same strike a hundred times. Infusion was easy, cheap, and you could use extra gear to infuse your other characters. You didn't have to play the game 24/7 like you do now. There were Tier 12 armor builds. Cooldowns were fast. The adjustments for Mobility, Armor, and Recovery were in the skill tree and easy to change on the fly. Skill trees were more complex and customizable too. Shaders actually worked correctly and changed the color of your armor. Not just parts of it. Class items were unique, and sold by the Speaker. Factions actually existed. Vendor gear updates actually happened, and vendor rolls changed weekly. With Age of Triumph, all the raids were updated and made relevant. The raids weren't overloaded with annoying mechanics. The game was actually fun, instead of being a boring, unrewarding, grindy wannabe WoW clone. And most importantly, the game was made for EVERYONE, not just YouTubers and elitists that play the game 24/7.