I'm thinking about using a destiny 1 quote as my senior quote in the year book as its one of my all time favorite games. But I need help picking one out, I was thing about using " And that was the end of everything. But it was also a beginning." but I don't know who is speaking, I think its the speaker but I could be wrong. The clip is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny7XhR4URZE . If you guys can recommend any other ones that would be awesome, thanks in advance!
“Dear humanity! We regret being alien -blam!-, and we regret coming to earth, but we most definitely regret that the corps just blew up our riggity ass fleet” “Oh I know what the ladies like” “For a brick, he flew pretty good” “Back when I joined the corps we didn’t have fancy scmancy tanks! We had sticks, two sticks and a rock for the whole platoon, and we had to share the rock! So buck up boy you’re one lucky marine” “I walked to and from school uphill fighting Sasquatch” There is always a mother ducker trying to ice skate uphill