I have no idea how was i ban i was playing IB to complete the bounties and all of a sudden i have been kicked from the IB match and send i was send to the home screen and when i try to start it says i have been ban i dont even know how it is possible. I dont have any sort of hacks for destiny 2, i have other hacks for a different game but i have not touch that hack or the game for months and i was sure it was not running in my background when i was playing destiny.
anyone know what to do? I was told by my friend i could get ban if i was accessing steam from 2 different countiries on the same day . I was in playing destiny for a week in malaysia and once i got back to sinapore i played again on the same day and the following day i got ban. Pls bungie look into this for i have spend so much money on this and it has been my favourite every since shawdowkeep and i would want to stll play it.
Edited by mrbird33: 12/27/2019 12:47:12 PMBans are permanent and wont be discussed by bungie. You can list every single program you have running on the pc for a start and we can go through them... The hacks you have for other games will get you banned on destiny. Your account is done