( door gets kicked in) cobalt ~ signs of life detected approximately 7 hours ago. He flips table over and loads his sawed off shotgun while scanning the room every inch...
Narrator ~ lee and stache are in a bustling mine filled with salt. A waaambulance goes by and they hop onto it.
Stache man ~ this place is a poo hole... ( you can barely hear him with all the screaming and crying)
Lee ~ no crap Sherlock. Why are we here.
Stache man ~ there’s a guy by the name of skybro who has adapted to this place he can hide us for a bit at least... (after a brief pause) Here this is our stop
(They hop off)
( a billboard can be seen advertising some guy called dmg wearing a hoodie that covers his face and holding Pringles as he gives a alert to report to news stations)
Lee ~ what’s that for? (He looks uneasy fidgeting with a pencil) Should we be worried?
Stache man ~ don’t move (as he looks up at a ledge to see a glare of a sniper scope) (it’s a brief pause that felt like a eternity) GET OUT OF HERE!
(CLAP) a large hole in the ground cobalt missed
Lee ~ ( runs into a dark alley. Out the other end is a labyrinth of people) he looks in shock before entering
Stache man ~ ( runs into shopping district)
Cobalt ~ finally I’ve waited for this (he places sawed shotgun onto back. His arm turns into a blade) (he rushed towards stache)
Stache man ~ (takes out dagger which is tiny compared to cobalts arm blade )
>the blades clash as people gather round<
>stache takes out another blade slamming the blade into cobalts leg<
>stache runs into another crowd of people as cobalt removes the blade as he follows stache<
Stache man ~ (takes out a communication device) lee do read me?!
Lee ~ ( grunt ) yes (grunt) don’t know how long I can I can bear the crowds what’s your location
Stache man ~ I have no idea. Stay where you are
Lee ~ ok.
Stache man ~ (sends out flare)
Lee ~ I see it
Stache man ~ so does he...
BuNp [spoiler]@-@[/spoiler]