Will not be debating this point with anyone. Nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. Something Needs to change.
Taken Armaments (TArm) is definitely very powerful in any Gambit match, with Hive and Fallen Armaments (HArm and FArm, respectively) being incredibly powerful in matches that feature those groups as combatants. The problem is certainly more pronounced with the Taken and Hive variants, as TArm can be obtained by farming free chests via the Wishing Wall in Last Wish, and HArm can be obtained from Menagerie runs. FArm sees much less use in Gambit simply because fewer people have it, being that it’s obtained from the Scourge of the Past raid and there isn’t an easy way to get free chests in the raid as a solo player. While the devs haven’t seen fit to address the obvious issue these mods create in Gambit, they at least haven’t further exacerbated the situation since HArm was introduced, seeing as we lack access to similar mods for Vex, Cabal and Scorn opponents. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)