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Edited by Kolacheater: 1/6/2020 12:38:37 AM

Sons of Phoros- Chapter 3

Masterpost: Wasp slowly approached his kills, unholstering a sidearm. When the titans’ ghosts appeared, he’d dispatch them quickly. His finger rested on the trigger, and he aimed slightly above their bodies. The dark room had fallen into a swift silence, and the only noise that could be heard was the door opening behind the hunter. “Wait, what?-” Before Wasp could do anything else, there was the soft screech of a SUROS scout rifle being fired, and the hunter stumbled back. A huntress dressed in smooth crimson armor stood at the door the titans had entered in, holding her smoking gun. “You guys didn’t invite me? Wasn’t expecting that from you!” She nodded at Lacer’s ghost and continued shooting at Wasp, who grunted in pain and jumped back toward the staircase. “Ascella! Don’t worry about us, stop him!” Zahir called from the floor, having just been revived. He moved over to assist Lacer. “You got it!” Ascella summoned a bow constructed of pure void energy from thin air. It solidified itself in her hands as more purple particles collected onto her weapon’s body. She drew an arrow straight at Wasp and fired. “Hah! Your arrows are way too slow!” Wasp tumbled forward past the shadowshot’s grasping tethers and ran straight toward Ascella, who was still attempting to draw her weapon. “Okay, mote thief. If you’re so fast, how’d we track you here?” She engaged him in hand to hand combat, rapidly exchanging blows back and forth. “Just a little slip up. We all make mistakes, don’t we?” Wasp blocked a punch, skipped back, and sent two knives into Ascella’s legs. He pulled four more and used them to immobilize the now recovered titans. “Son of a… I just got back up!” Lacer fell down, attempting to pull the knives that had blinded him out of the upper regions of his helmet. Zahir, who was farther away from Wasp, had been slightly luckier, having been able to block one knife on his arm. The other had plunged straight into the middle of his face, but he did not concern himself with the burning sensation, being slightly more resistant to pain as an exo. He thrust forward, shoulder first, with all his might, and his arm bashed into Wasp’s torso. Metal met metal, and with a deafening crack, the hunter was sent into the opposite wall. The force of the impact created a dent, and a harsh ring echoed throughout the dark room. “Oh… ohoho… good one, titan. You’ve bested me again… but don’t think I didn’t hear that Fallen’s whole spill when you landed on this ship. Wasp coughed as he fell to the floor. He instinctively threw his arms forward and turned his head to the side to minimize any more incoming damage. “I’ve still got a trick up my sleeve! “Can it, asshole.” Lacer fired his auto rifle at the hunter, but his target had fallen through the floor after bashing at a loose corner of the grate he had managed to crawl toward. The only evidence of his escape was a minor flood of golden light and a loud clatter. “Ugh. Let’s go, he can’t have gone too far.” Ascella pulled the last knife out of her shin and stumbled toward the hole in the floor. “Wait, don’t! His signature’s disappeared! I can’t track where he went!” Eltanin frantically called. “What do you mean disappeared? Did your tracking equipment break down, El?” Lacer peered down the hole. She was right. No evidence of any movement could be distinguished by his ghost. Zahir joined Lacer at the edge of Wasp’s escape route. “Wait, we’ve seen this before. No trace of a teleportation or transmat, this is…” “Vex tech!” Ascella finally made it, panting as her ghost repaired the ugly, scorched wounds on her legs. “Vex tech… this guy steals motes of dark AND uses Vex tech? This has bad written all over it. What kind of a maniac is he?” Lacer threw his head upward in frustration. “I don’t know, but we have to stop him at all costs. Eltanin, inform the Vanguard. Tell them to keep an eye out for mote heists, Vex activity, and for a hunter named-“ “Yall are still here? I told you to get the hell off of my ship as soon as you got rid of that crazy lightbearer! Scram!” Spekris angrily scolded the fireteam from over the Ketch’s speakers. “You’re one to talk, you lunatic. We’ll come back to kill you another time.” Lacer sighed and pulled out his ghost to begin transmat, as did Zahir and Ascella. - Zahir put another pack of bread into his basket. The last pack on the shelf. Its absence created a hole through which the other aisle could be seen in the bright, fluorescent lights of the grocery store. A peculiar figure passed by the opening. A hunter, dressed in dark blue. Though what made the sighting so peculiar was the fact that they had chosen to wear their armor in a civilian facility. “Don’t think too much of it.” The exo told himself, walking over to the end of the aisle to the produce section. He dropped several apples into his basket and headed for the front of the store, where a long line of people were waiting. To pass the time, he began double checking the groceries in his basket. Bread… lettuce… salt… cough medicine... The titan was interrupted by a man crying out, “Stop him! Stop that hunter!” One of the employees, who had become familiar with Zahir on his repeated trips to the supermarket, tapped Zahir’s elbow. “You’re a guardian, right? Please, do something!” The titan nodded and dropped his groceries, dashing outside the store. He looked up and down the street to see the same hunter he saw earlier, bolting away with a basket full of fruit. “Hey, get back here!” Anticipating something ugly, Zahir had his ghost, Crucius, begin transmatting his armor on. As he passed through the shopping district, the hunter paid no attention to any obstructions, pushing through people and signs. As he was enveloped in his orange and black gear, Zahir began to close the gap on the rather sluggish hunter, until, eventually, he was able to tackle him to the ground. The basket, fortunately, remained upright, and only two apples fell out of the top stack of six. The hunter struggled to turn his head at the titan, and when their faces met, he started panting and clawing at the ground. “L-let… Let me… Let me go!” His actions were unnatural. Rather than a legitimate escape attempt, Zahir felt something similar to a fish flopping around on dry land beneath him. The hunter’s pleads devolved into nonsensical drivel. “Um, is he okay?” Crucius asked, as the hunter continued to struggle uselessly. “Wait. This helmet… this guy’s wanted.” Zahir immediately knocked the hunter out with a punch upon hearing Crucius. “Wanted? For what?” “Well, petty crimes. Like shoplifting.” Crucius flew around the hunter’s helmet, then looked to the stunned crowd around them. “We should go. Take him to the apartment.” “The apartment? But-” Zahir stowed the hunter over his shoulder.” “Trust me, he won’t be a danger to you, Zahir-2.” Said a muffled female ghost’s voice. “Who said that?” Zahir looked at Crucius, then at the hunter. The voice appeared as a bulge under the hunter’s cloak, and she flew to the side, revealing a plain, white-shelled ghost. “I’m this hunter, Korne’s ghost, and I’ve been searching for you, Zahir-2.” The ghost’s eye shined with conviction and excitement.

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  • It was suggested by another Guardian wanting to write that, were I to share my writing, I should include some context which follows; The Guardian has just traveled to the Reef in search of Uldren. It was a strange thought, but in those shoes I considered how different from a place with atmosphere the Reef would look, despite how much light is produced and/or refracted there, specifically juxtaposed to the way a great fire can seem to burn even the air with how brightly it glows. "I remember thinking, 'How long have I been gone? Eva shouldn't be back for some time, why is the City glowing?' You could see it even from over the horizon, far before you could see the City itself, just this huge shining and blinking swell, it was like a second sun. Wasn't until we broke the clouds around the City that we realized it was fire. Asked, most people'll tell you that it was the Traveler they can't forget seeing, mantled against a horizon on fire. Can't blame em', watching that Cabal's clutch wrap around our Traveller... it was unsettling, something we had never considered. Me though? I'll always remember how much bigger the flames were than the home they were devouring. We built our walls to stand on the sky and fire followed us to the very top of them." [i]'How different from here'[/i] He raised his eyes, white light therefrom drowned in the impossibly black sea that seemed to seep through the small transparent canopy. [i]Nothing prepares you for how loud the silence is out here[/i] He eased the boat into a roll, the canopy now showing glittering waves of matter and flotsam, fluid dynamic apparent in how closely it resembled the ocean floor. [i]The Reef, how appropriate.[/i] To say that those waves glittered was to shame them, the Reef [i]glowed.[/i] This was a sea made not of water but of crystals and the light therein. And yet, despite it's impossible brightness, there existed a clear contrasted line between the Reef and the Sea, an unyielding and visible threshold where the spilling light reached no further, from sheer colour to a striking lack of it. "I'm glad you can still appreciate the beauty of this place." Came a quiet chirp. His hood shifted slightly, but offered no response otherwise. "We're without sanctions; there's no cavalry coming this time, we're on our own." A silent shrug this time, palpable; [i]What's new?[/i] Silence. Deafening, oppressive silence. The Ghost clicked and floated forward, back side comically whirring away as it received a transmission. Petra's distinctive lilt filled the Javelin's cabin- [i]"Found him"[/i] Both Ghost and Guardian's gaze met for a moment. The sound of the engines began to swell as he tapped the panel and spun his cannon onto his hip. "Cayde would've told you not to do this..." the Ghost warned. "No he would not." The Ghost sighed defeatedly as he dematerialized, "No, no he would not."

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    • FIRST

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      • Edited by Nalla: 1/6/2020 12:52:21 AM
        Second. Ooo a cliffhanger, interesting concepts at work here.

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