Anita Sarkeesian, I just wanted to say thank you. you are a fantastic role model and just a pretty all around inspiring lady! You are an awesome representative for equality!
Yes! We need more female leads and they should be in lesbian relationships too! Gotta represent minority groups in Destiny 2 instead of focusing on how to make this game fun again! Get ready for Season of the Scissoring!
Grats on the big pp pole
Maybe next week they’ll bring in Zoe Quinn to give an inspirational talk on how to get your boyfriend to kill himself.
This belongs in #offtopic. Please change the tag to #offtopic. Though I’m sure they’re sick of your agenda in the #offtopic sewage too.
Should’ve told luke whats his plan for destiny
Who dis?
Sure. Let’s have her come when it’s Pyjama Day! That would be most excellent.
I’d hold her hand 😘
2/10 you can do better
Pp achieved ✅ [spoiler]@-@[/spoiler]