I've been playing since D2 dropped, and hunters are currently the defacto weakest class. Every single class has a one hit ability except them, even the SINGLE precision knife they got. It's absolutely crazy. Even if I'm trying to run a shotgun to at least benefit from how fast they are, warlocks now have a one shot grenade that also procs a shield? That's crazy! That thing took 2 Lord of Wolves burst point blank and still withstood! And titans got a throwing weapon that one shot BEFORE HUNTERS! It almost makes me want to quit trying to have fun with pvp in its entirety as a hunter main. Thoughts?
Edited by GrifterDeMier01: 1/10/2020 2:45:16 AMLOL! Omg I was wondering how long it would take for a hunt-tard to start whining about how hunters are still too weak even after they got the one hit kill throwing knife. It didn't take long. Hunters are easily by far the best class with the best exotics, the best synergy and best supers and they are still not happy.