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[quote]Found from various places online:
[u][url=]The Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire[/url][/u]
[u][url=]Angela Y. Davis - Are Prisons Obsolete?[/url][/u]
[u][url=]Angela Y. Davis - Race, Women, and Class[/url][/u]
[u][url=]The Communist Manifesto - Marx and Engels[/url][/u]
[u][url=]Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches[/url][/u] by Audre Lorde (link updated 1/14)
[u][url=]Three Guineas by Virginia Woolf[/url][/u]
[u][url=]Critical Theory: An Introduction[/url][/u] by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic (link updated 1/14)
[u][url=]The Image in the Mind: Media and Race in America[/url][/u]- Robert M. Entman and Andrew Rojecki (link updated 1/14)
[u][url=]Ain’t I a Woman: Women and Feminism [/url][/u]- bell hooks (link updated 1/14)
[u][url=]Feminism is for Everybody[/url][/u] - bell hooks (link updated 1/14)
[u][url=]Faces at the Bottom of the Well[/url] [/u]- Derrick Bell
[u][url=]I am Your Sister - Audre Lorde[/url][/u] (link updated 1/14)
[u][url=]Feminist Thought[/url][/u]-Patricia Hill Collins (updated 1/14)
[u][url=]Gender Trouble [/url][/u]- Judith Butler
[u][url=]Four books by Frantz Fanon[/url][/u]
[u][url=]Their Eyes Were Watching God [/url][/u]- Zora Neale Hurston
[u][url=]Medical Apartheid[/url] [/u]- Harriet Washington
[u][url=]Fear of a Planet: Politics and Social Theory [/url] [/u]- edited by Michael Warner
[u][url=]Colonialism/Postcolonialism[/url][/u] - Ania Loomba (updated 1/14)
[u][url=]Discipline and Punish[/url] [/u]- Michel Foucault
[u][url=]The Gloria Anzaldua Reader[/url][/u]
[u][url=]Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? [/url][/u]by Mark Fisher
[u][url=]This Bridge Called by Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by Cherríe Moraga & Gloria Anzaldúa[/url][/u]
[u][url=]What is Cultural Studies? [/url][/u]- John Storey (updated 1/14)[/quote]
Aldi final boss - old
Cut the crap, Mk. We know this is your alt account.