What kind of in-game money is your favorite to collect and spend?
[spoiler]Fades Away[/spoiler]
Edited by Boss: 2/4/2020 3:58:41 AMGTA Money. Due to massive inflation in the online mode, a pair of shoes costs $10,000 dollars. You see, Los Santos was clearly just in the middle of a Great Depression. Then, the U.S. stepped into a war and brought on the Mobilization Economy. Now, the economy and farmers are doing swell. Causing prices to go up due to overproducing and consumerism. [spoiler]In all honesty though, probably Rupees. Its just really nostalgic.[/spoiler]
Bottle caps. I'm sure a more realistic apocalyptic currency would be booze, tobacco, drugs, bullets etc.
[b] [/b]
Probably bullets in metro. Made you think if you were going to need to shoot more or needed other resources.
GTA$ in GTAO. you can play the game and "earn" it. or you can earn money IRL and "buy" it. OR... i'm pretty sure there's a million dollar log in bonus over the next 2 weeks. that means you don't have play or pay! ::falls off chair::
Blood echos
Edited by CalMess: 1/30/2020 6:48:57 PMInstant ramen packets. ...or souls.
Edited by Seraphim Crypto: 1/29/2020 4:53:14 PMProbably Gold Coins from Super Mario games.
Bullets in metro
Edited by Fero: 1/30/2020 4:40:16 PMRupees or Gil. [spoiler]Is that a vase I see??[/spoiler] *smash* [spoiler]@-@[/spoiler]
I'm partial to gil.
Depends on the game.
Studs. Specifically the purple ones
Red Orbs
Gold. Just gold.
Edited by RingLeader77: 1/29/2020 6:01:02 PM*On a random shop in the Wasteland:* ___________________________ | In God we Trust, | | All others pay [b]caps[/b]. | |__________________________|
The blood and guts of demon scum in Doom.
Lake city quiet pills
Military Grade Rounds. Finally, a currency I can use