Hello! I would like to make a quick disclaimer here.
[spoiler]While I said new writers, the competition is open to anyone. Please simply tell if you're a new or experienced writer next to the name of the story you write.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]One more thing, this isn't a competition for any prize or anything like that. If I could afford it I'd send a G.C. code but I'm poor.
What you will earn is new friends, an audience, help however small it may be, and a crossover into one of my stories.
All of these are optional and you don't have to accept any of them.[/spoiler]
Okay, with that out of the way, here are the rules.
1. Stay respectful and civil to the other writers
2. Do not copy and or mimic others entry
3. Have fun!
[quote]To symbolize this being the first contest I've held, the theme will be that of a new Guardian's first rez.
This can take place anytime and anywhere, the only thing I ask is that, if you have a character who already has a "first rez" story please start a new character.[/quote]
You must comment the story here or make a post and link it in the comments.
If you like, use the tag nicsfanficcomp.
Have fun! I will pick the winner next Saturday.
I’ll probably make one too, but I’ve got a lot going on, so this may take a while too.