[quote]Nyamez: Wyoming, Awgent Wyoming,
Age: 130 Years
Height: 6,700 ft
Wikes: Cawolina, Snipew Wifles, Squawes
Diswikes: Cuwves, Democwats, Colowado,
What I’m wooking fow: Indepwendence fwom teh union
Why you shouwd pick me: Pwobabwy Shouwdn't[/quote]
*pulls out flamethrower* Another one becomes the dust...
Edited by RheubenThePig: 2/11/2020 5:15:55 PMNoooooooooo! [spoiler]add so the old guard falls. So long, brother. *draws sword*[/spoiler][spoiler]baited[/spoiler]
Don’t worry, I shall cleanse you brother! *pulls out flamethrower*
💉🔫 Time to be cured [spoiler]That’ll be 9.95[/spoiler]
Nooooo! Not you! You were supposed to be better! We were supposed to play tag, and go camping, and bowling? Why cruel world?
Edited by Nalla: 2/11/2020 2:09:46 AMBURN IN HOLY FIRE !
Ohhh, just wait until Meta and Church see this!
Edited by TigersFan228: 2/10/2020 11:08:57 PMBewmp [spoiler]Also you need the Offtindew tag[/spoiler]