The Crimson Diaries is a collection of short, romantic and silly love stories written to celebrate Crimson Days and Valentines Day in Destiny. So pull your loved ones close, have some laughs, share the joys of viciously murdering your romantic rivals in the Crucible to prove that your love is stronger than any other, and enjoy the holiday!
[b]Other Other Half:[/b]
A hopeless romance that pokes fun at the stereotypes of the Classes.
[url=]Page 1: One Problem[/url]
[url=]Page 2: Floofy[/url]
[url=]Page 3: Forbidden Love[/url]
[url=]Page 4: Everything Sucks[/url]
[url=]Page 5: More Than Food[/url]
[url=]Page 6: Killing the Romance[/url]
[url=]Page 7: Infected[/url]
[url=]Epilogue: The Warlock-Kisser Club[/url]
[b]Canceled Days:[/b]
The sequel to Other Other Half, revisiting the romance between Janko and Romy as they face the horror of a canceled Crimson Days.
[url=]Page 1: O Stalker Mine[/url]
[url=]Page 2: Floofy Fever[/url]
[url=]Page 3: Absolutely Not Fine[/url]
[url=]Page 4: The Cure For Depression[/url]
A commission story for ShadowheartMC based off of her own story, Destiny of Shadow. Shadow and Variks try their best to figure out how to share the traditions of Crimson Days.
[url=]Page 1: Kindness for a Friend[/url]
[url=]Page 2: A Secret Request[/url]
[url=]Page 3: Implications[/url]
[url=]Page 4: Something In Return[/url]
[url=]Page 5: Alike Friends[/url]
[url=]Page 6: A Simple Job[/url]
[url=]Page 7: Gold[/url]
For more of Shadowheart’s story, look here at the [url=]Destiny of Shadow[/url].
For more of my posts, check out my [url=]Master Post[/url]
Only problem I got is that there ain’t nobody to play Crimson Days with for me....I mean, there’s someone, by they’re not really big on games like destiny...guess I’ll go with randoms again.