Heddy: On The hour, we are live from the Steps of the First Bank of Offtopic, where the recent riots have caused a lockdown of operations the Bank CEO Smiling Serpent about to give a Statement.
Serpent:We of the Bank of offtopic are dismayed to announce that an incident between a crusader and an uwu victim occured in our bank this morning, the incident in question did not cause more than light damage, there were no major injuries and our clients property is still safe. We have locked down our offices and building, and will remain as such until the riots have ended,
We of the Bank of offtopic press our politicians to end this meaningless conflict and foster diplomacy between the two sides, or at least to declare a temporary compulsory armistice until; such a settlement and peaceful way forward can be found and followed.
The Bank serves all clients, weebs, shitposters, edgelords, trolls, uwu's owo's crusaders, and otherwise lurkers. We do not condone or endorse the violence and hatred that has broken out across the subforum, wwe wish the authorities the best of luck and offer any assistance the private company SerPent MGT may be able to provide. We will review and execute exploratory panels to assess the feasibility of all reasonable requests made by the Offtopican Gov't.
We also plead to our customers, set aside your petty differences and learn to live together
Thank you and Good Luck.
*The Serpent Grins*
Heddy; and now for the Market news!
Weapon, ammo and armor stocks seem to be leveling out as the uwu virus victims are hunted across the subforum by organized militants. Authorities joined with the anti-uwu's, shortly after the outbreak amid accusations that the Executive Branch of Offtopic, prepared a lukewarm response to the rioting.
President Sherlock staved off these attacks, calling for peace and diplomacy between the two sides
A post conflict fall in prices is expected as industrial production rises above the demand
Wholesome memes saw their worse week yet with little to no demand observed, and a private sector seemingly unwilling to provide the niche service, with the approach of porch day investors expect an uptick in WM stocks at least for a day, though long term outlook remains muted.
Political shitposts have seen a minor loss of traction leading to what experts are calling Offtopathy, Eccho Sierra a prominent conservative shitposter, displayed confidence that the market would recover,
while Political Commentator KellyGreen2 asserted he was "once again, ignoring facts to fit his, narrowed world view"
As always, the party of the Offtopic Conservative Circle of Consensual Handholding, declined to comment, but one representative called the well known Commentator, "delusional..."
RP continues to see a steady and healthy growth much to the chagrin of some investors who call the practice and occupation of the market in whole "Total cringe" The Council of DM's responded to investor concerns by sticking out their tongues and saying "no u..."
This Concludes the evening Market News, good night, and good luck,
I'm Heddy Melons, signing off.
Moar.... [b][i]MOAR OF THEAS PLEASE!!![/i][/b] [spoiler]👁👄👁[/spoiler]
Oh my.... this... this is truly magnificent.
(Walks through the barricade of the bank with holy flamethrower in hand) “I must finish the job”
Hmm, time to invest in heavy flamers! [spoiler]Cady, fetch me my checkbook! I have numbers to draw![/spoiler]
Good time to invest in the stocks
This was awesome, bravo. Also, clever way of getting people's goods locked away where only you have access to them. *Sharpens sword.*
[b][quote]Heddy: On The houw, we awe wive fwom the Steps of the Fiwst Bank of Offtopic, whewe the wecent wiots have caused a wockdown of opewations the Bank CEO Smiwing Sewpent about to give a Statement. Sewpent:We of the Bank of offtopic awe dismayed to annyounce that an incident between a cwusadew and an uwu victim occuwed in ouw bank this mownying, the incident in question did nyot cause mowe than wight damage, thewe wewe nyo majow injuwies and ouw cwients pwopewty is stiww safe. We have wocked down ouw offices and buiwding, and wiww wemain as such untiw the wiots have ended, We of the Bank of offtopic pwess ouw powiticians to end this meanyingwess confwict and fostew dipwomacy between the two sides, ow at weast to decwawe a tempowawy compuwsowy awmistice untiw; such a settwement and peacefuw way fowwawd can be found and fowwowed. The Bank sewves aww cwients, weebs, shitpostews, edgewowds, twowws, uwu's owo's cwusadews, and othewwise wuwkews. We do nyot condonye ow endowse the viowence and hatwed that has bwoken out acwoss the subfowum, wwe wish the authowities the best of wuck and offew any assistance the pwivate company SewPent MGT may be abwe to pwovide. We wiww weview and execute expwowatowy panyews to assess the feasibiwity of aww weasonyabwe wequests made by the Offtopican Gov't. We awso pwead to ouw customews, set aside youw petty diffewences and weawn to wive togethew Thank you and Good Wuck. *The Sewpent Gwins* Heddy; and nyow fow the Mawket nyews >w< Weapon, ammo and awmow stocks seem to be wevewing out as the uwu viwus victims awe hunted acwoss the subfowum by owganyized miwitants. Authowities joinyed with the anti-uwu's, showtwy aftew the outbweak amid accusations that the Executive Bwanch of Offtopic, pwepawed a wukewawm wesponse to the wioting. Pwesident Shewwock staved off these attacks, cawwing fow peace and dipwomacy between the two sides A post confwict faww in pwices is expected as industwiaw pwoduction wises abuv the demand Whowesome memes saw theiw wowse week yet with wittwe to nyo demand obsewved, and a pwivate sectow seemingwy unwiwwing to pwovide the nyiche sewvice, with the appwoach of powch day investows expect an uptick in WM stocks at weast fow a day, though wong tewm outwook wemains muted. Powiticaw shitposts have seen a minyow woss of twaction weading to what expewts awe cawwing Offtopathy, Eccho Siewwa a pwominyent consewvative shitpostew, dispwayed confidence that the mawket wouwd wecuvw, whiwe Powiticaw Commentatow KewwyGween2 assewted he was "once again, ignyowing facts to fit his, nyawwowed wowwd view" As awways, the pawty of the Offtopic Consewvative Ciwcwe of Consensuaw Handhowding, decwinyed to comment, but onye wepwesentative cawwed the weww knyown Commentatow, "dewusionyaw..." WP continyues to see a steady and heawthy gwowth much to the chagwin of some investows who caww the pwactice and occupation of the mawket in whowe "Totaw cwinge" The Counciw of DM's wesponded to investow concewns by sticking out theiw tongues and saying "nyo u..." This Concwudes the evenying Mawket Nyews, good nyight, and good wuck, I'm Heddy Mewons, signying off.[/quote] Fixed uwU[/b]