This is heweticaw? This is bwasphemy ;;w;; Peace with the infected fwamews? ;;w;; HEWESY ;;w;;
You have seen them, haven't you? The viwe cweatuwes that infect this wand ;;w;; Consuming the wiwws of the innyocent ;;w;;
And ouw supposed pwesident seeks peace with the cweatuwes ;;w;; ? THEY AWE HEWETICS OF THE HIGHEST OWDEW ;;w;;
I ask you aww, to join the cwusade of a wifetime.
Fixed Uwu[/b]
There’s two reasons I’m choosing to passively side with UwU. 1. Skybro did something a while back that made me big not happy and while I don’t remember what it is I know there was a thing. 2. Because peer pressure