So this is probably already known and I'm late to the "party" but I was discussing Maya Sunderesh with a friend and found out that she helped in the creation of Future War Cult's future viewing machine.
At the end of the "Insight Terminus" strike you can hear a peice of dialogue that talks about MSund12 and the OXA.
If some of you don't know what the OXA is, it is a machine created by the Psions that are now part of the Cabal Empire. The OXA lets the Psions gaze into time.
From what Ozeltc said of the OXA it isn't all to reliable.
Maya Sunderesh was a researcher for the Ishtar research facility and was studying a Vex Goblin. The reality of it was that the Goblin was simulating the team. I believe there were around 240 simulations.
Clovis Bray stepped in and saved the original Maya Sunderesh and her team, sending the copies abroad in the Vex network.
MSund12 is most likely a copy of Maya that made it to the Insight Terminus and discovered a simulated OXA or information the Vex had on the OXA.
With this she could recreate it and did from what I've seen. The knockoff OXA is probably the FWC's way of seeing into the future like before the Red War.
What do you think? I didn't dig to extensively so if I'm wrong please tell me and I'll edit this.
Now I know what OXA is. Thanks