I am not sure why the Bungie team has embraced the concept "Fear of Missing out (FOMO)." I get that you want to entice people to play and keep your active players number up but FOMO is not the way to go. FOMO may be a good thing for full-time gamers but for everyday adults that have little kids and responsibilities it is a turn-off. A game that struggles to deliver new content should not be removing content after a season is over.
Why would you remove Vex Offensive? Are you planning on removing Sundial and Obelisks as well? I have not been able to play this season and am furious that I am going to miss out on the content and enjoyment of playing something new in this game. PLEASE for the love of gaming do not remove seasonal content!
**Why can't we have multiple artifacts? Why limit us to one type of element or playstyle? Give us more options for our loadout and allow us to customize our build for our activity. It seems ridiculous to try and put our builds into a box that fits your season artifact.
My console already could barley open the character screen without it taking 3 business days. I don’t need more shit added without other things being removed. It’s already reaching 100gs.
I would personally take less resolution off of the game for better performance. I wish you could do this with console
Edited by Insatiable: 2/19/2020 7:08:06 PMIt's called the space the game takes. They said the game is getting too big . People need to read before posting the same shit over and over.
I mean bungie does allow you to pay for season levels.... 😂 so by there logic mist can be brought at a nice cost. But in seriousness, yeah it’s stupid...
Have ypu noticed how laggy your menues are? Noticed how long load times have gotten since shadowkeep dropped? Well that's why seasonal activities go away. It's so those things don't get even worse. It's not because they introduced FOMO to keep you constantly playing, it's so you can still play at all.
I’ve seen many people respond to posts like this, response of “fOmO kEePs pEoPlE pLaYiNg” It actually doesn’t. Forbes writer Paul Tassi has his ear to the grown in the Destiny Community and found out that the Time Gates and FOMO is driving people away from Destiny, not toward the Game. I saw someone lengthy Reddit Posts saying this as well and it got thousands of upvotes. 4.5K and growing and I am actually speaking from experience too. I have been driven from this Game due to all the Time Gates and Phycological Manipulation of FOMO and has stripped me of any and all motivation to play this Game. There are millions like me. Destiny has been designed with the Freeloading no lives that Streamers are in mind. Bungie has completely said “F. U. C. K. You Casuals and punishes us for having Jobs and shit outside of gaming. Such a shame. I loved this series but it has gotten bad under Luke Smith. I don’t care what Streamers like Say No To Rage who always says “bUnGiE dOeSn’T LiStEn tO tHe sTrEaMeRs” yeah, they -blam!-ing do and they can deny it all they want, but the facts are the facts. Buying Individual Seasons was Lono’s Idea and Bungie implemented it. It was no coincidence either. Streaming has gotten too big and have destroyed gaming and gets developers to design games to be no lifed rather then playing casually. Streamers need to just shut up and if they don’t like the Casualfication of Destiny, go -blam!-in play another games like WoW or The Old Republic.
The Division 2 base game is 3$ rn.
very poor planning they should have a lot of this stuff planned out years ago[armory][/armory]
[quote]Are you planning on removing Sundial and Obelisks as well?[/quote] Based on the last few seasons, I'm sure the Sundial will be gone as soon as this season is over. Obelisks will likely be gone as soon as the donation garbage is done as well.
They’re doing this because it’s popular. Blame Fortnite and the people who played it if you don’t like the current system.
Because your Xbox is basically an 8 year old computer, that was underpowered when it hit the market back in 2013....and now it and PS4 are wheezing under the strain of trying to run this game. Bungie had to abandon the PS3 and Xbox 360 in Y3 of D1 because the game got too big for those machines to run it. We are approaching that point with the current consoles....but those machines ARE the market. So there is no more powerful machine to run to that will allow them to just keep adding more stuff to the game. The machines are a problem because this game has no dedicated servers to run the game. So everything you encounter in the game has to be stored on----and run FROM----your console or a console that your machine is networked to..... and your machine has to run the network too along with the game. If you want to see the problem in a nutshell. Go play a round of Gambit on console.....and watch what happens during the boss fight. At that point, your console is trying to run the game that you see on your screen. Plus keep you networked to 7 other consoles in the lobby. Plus keep track of what's going on in the game on those 7 other machines...plus keep them all synced up and preserve the illusion that its a single game world. So the game "bottlenecks" because it overloads the processor on your console and it cant keep up. So you get framerate drops, stuttering, rubber banding....and all the other problems that are just an accepted part of the experience of playing Gambit. That's what happens when you SLIGHTLY exceed the limits of the machine, for a BRIEF period. But if you push the game massively beyond its limits----by continuting to just add more and more and more to the game----you'll eventually just crash the console...and the game won't run.
Lol bungie? That’s all they do. Keep new content locked behind paywalls and take away old content. And then sometimes sell you that same old content back to you 😂. Division $3 ima try it out tonight.
Not a great deal to take away realy :)
Them taking away the first solstice of heroes social space, and the EAZ pissed me off the most.
Buy a PC for everyone then
Yea I feel your pain but there are a lot of people who don’t care because they have no life and can spend 24 hours a day playing a video game because they have yet to know what reality is. They either live with there parents with zero responsibility or they earn enough money and have the right amount of hours for work to play video games. I’m about to go 4 days with not being able to play video games at all because I have a job that requires such commitment. I understand the pain I do. But you have to realize there are people who don’t care at this point. I’m sorry that having a life is more important than a video game. An that last statement it’s me sympathizing with you and not tying to be an ass.
Edited by The 7th fall: 2/19/2020 8:33:34 PMJust don't play it anymore. I stopped a month ago and feel much better and have been chipping away at God of War, Bioshock collection, Darksiders Genesis, and Monster Hunter Iceborne. Those you can play at your own pace -except with the month long seasonal events on Monster Hunter- and never have to worry about sh*tty Destiny 2: The FOMOing. EDIT: Also as we know Bungle is not too good with data compaction or organization. The devs of Warframe have already compacted and sorted through their game several times so they can keep what they added and work on putting more in. You wan't a better F2P live service game I'd recommend that over Destiny 2 any day. Plus as boring as their version of the battle pass is... it's completely FREE and the rewards can come back in "intermissions" between battle passes in case you missed out.
Edited by The Hermit IX: 2/19/2020 7:52:22 PMI’m sure it’s been said 100 times already but they have to remove things. Game is too big anymore. It will be part of playing moving forward so get used to it.
We did know about this before ShadowKeep released in September. Can’t really be surprised now.
The Vex Offensive was dumb but the invasions were actually kind of fun. I like random open world events like that, you can ignore them or they’re something else you can do while running endless bounties. To answer your question though, “performance”. The game is reaching capacity and they can’t keep adding infinite content without something breaking.
i like content as well as anyone, OP... but if this game is much more than 100G on my drive, it will get dumped really fast! keeping weapons and mods in the loot pool is one thing, keeping huge chunks of content around forever will bloat the game to the point where people won't want to play it.
I believe content is removed because console 8gigs RAM is a physical hardware bottleneck.
They have to take away content, bro. So that we will love it, when it gets re-skinned and returned to us. 👍
[quote]I have not been able to play this season and am furious that I am going to miss out on the content and enjoyment of playing something new in this game.[/quote] >Not been able to play Sounds like a you problem, not theirs
If the Vex Offensive was still the the game I wouldn’t even touch it with a five foot pole, I farmed the rolls I needed last season so there’s nothing in it for me. Same goes for the Sundial, I have my ideal rolls for all the weapons and when it leaves I don’t care. It’s ONLY a problem for those who, 1. Just started the game so they wouldn’t have a chance at getting the stuff from it. 2. The REALLY casual player who plays like 1-3 hours a week