*nervously laughs* Hey everybody I..err...um...yeah, I'm back! As a peace offering I bring fish knowledge...well more so deep sea coral knowledge today. As noted by Roark et al (2009), [i]Leiopathes[/i], a particular species of deep sea coral, has been dated to be 4,200 calendar years B.P. old (where B.P. stands for before present and is set as 1950 AD) making it the oldest skeletal-acreting marine organism ever discovered! They also grow at a rate less than 5 micrometers a year (.000005 m)!
Im gonna try and get back on this grind (for anyone who cares/remembers I got the internship!!!) I offer information on bomb carbon as a peace offering as soon as the library exchange at work gets the paper in for me. As always, please leave photos of pets with their species name so I can feature them!
Dang glad your back. I miss my fish facts.