In the last TWAB when mentioning the sniper rifle nerf you said it was partially due to players sitting in the back being safe. But Bungie, you’ve designed the game, especially endgame, this way. Bosses and even majors will stomp you into oblivion if you get near them. This rules out close range weaponry. How do you want us to play? In the GOS raid the finale boss has to be damaged at ranged.
I really think the stomp mechanic needs looked at. Instead of the stomp, why not an AOE attack like generating a ring of fire that radiates outward? Or lightning or void. This way we could jump over it with the right timing. This would still break up dps instead of sending us into orbit.
Thank you for reading. If you agree please upvote so Bungie see’s this.
Edit: I’d like to thank everyone for the likes and discussion. I thought maybe someone from Bungie would respond but I guess not. Thanks again.
They want us to curate our loadouts for specific activites, which in their minds, will brings depth to the game. I can see this making sense on paper, and it does actually work in game. This, imo, is why scouts have always been kinda meh in pve. You know how we used to nuke the Gambit boss with melting point and a chaos reach? That's the entire idea behind these changes. As it is now, every fireteam has 1 Divinity, and 1 Izzy to kill everything at range. No one takes the risk with let's say Bastion, etc because why would you? If you take the time to make an armor build with the seasonal armor that focuses on short range dps and abilities, you truly do not need izzy or divinity. And imo it makes the game more interesting and action packed. Stack charged with light mods, pick up 4 orbs, stagger champion, hit champion with melting, some one uses a super and or 3 Bastions..hes dead.. It is a playstyle I particularly enjoy. I totally get what they're trying to do. Buut of course Bungie cant communicate to save the the solar system AND this will not bring depth because all the activities are tired, used and abused. Anyway, that's my take on things.