I’ve only had one that I can somewhat explain. The others are just really short or hard to put into words.
It was about 10 years ago when my family was moving church. I had a dream that we tried out a church in between the one we left and the one we’re current at. For some reason the church was outside and I was left at the daycare. It was a little playscape with a bunch of tunnels. About halfway through, some guy tried to kidnap me, but the tunnels were too small so he couldn’t fit in. So I stayed in there, terrified until my parents picked me up.
And other short one was where we were all gonna die and apples were falling from the sky. I was also in a sunroom. That’s all I can remember though.
Edit: also I had a friend that dreamt the Veggie Tales people got dipped in nacho cheese.
Anyways, have you guys had any memorable weird dreams?
Too many to count, but here are my most memorable Traveled to an island of dead bodies and Aztec buildings to search for something. Not sure what, and we never found it. Also there was a girl named Rebecca or something there and she was bad news and scared the shit outta me even though I never saw her Road a bus into the abyss with a man without a face Celebrated Christmas while the top floor of our house burned For over 12 years I’ve had strange dreams involving basements, until I realized how many basements I dreamed of. Then I stopped having basement dreams. Befriended a pack of dogs that would chew and scrape their own faces off on purpose. No idea why but ok. Watched two sci-fi looking guys battle because one guy wanted to steal the others skin. Then some guy that looked like he belonged on Seinfeld showed up to break up the fight I don’t remember how it actually went down, but when I was like 3 I remember a dream that terrified me involving tons of machinery and the color red everywhere.