It's okay having Enemys that have a Shield and use it as Shield but it should stay that way not that bullsh.ite what Phalanx and taken Phalanx do...
Getting a One hit kill in a Super from a Phalanx is in no way Balanced... Sentinel Shield is Up getting close to the Phalanx.. and Suddenly you are Dead cuz he meant to use his Shield with a power that kills Crota Twice to hit me... Boom i was 1 maybe 3 seconds into my super and even with more life and shield and more defence... the Phalanx simply don't care... and Bungie wants from us to play a more close range style... this aint work fam... Balance enemys so they are not a Death sentence in close range
ahh one thing too... i can penetrate Phalanx Shields with Anti barrier rounds... why is the Taken Phalanx still immune to Anti barrier rounds... please tell me why
yes this Post is a Cake with Powdered Salt on top of it cuz this makes balance wise no sense to me
Bungie: Understood, we have now given Phalanx the ability to throw their shield at you, with tracking similar to the sentinel shield throw and a knock back just as strong.