[quote]what if oranges weren’t orange?[/quote]
[quote]why do so many people make plays on the logo of stranger things?[/quote]
[quote]my Xbox just turned on by itself[/quote]
[quote]good kitty[/quote]
[quote]why aren’t there any new brands of cereal[/quote]
[quote]will insane ever stop copy/pasting on nearly every post about the b .net 13 age limit?[/quote]
[quote]what the heck is a mandarinquat?[/quote]
[quote]buffalo sauce is the best[/quote]
[quote]can anyone even take “omygoshduh” seriously after they said all men are brain damaged?[/quote]
[quote]why did bungie ever sell halo to 343[/quote]
[quote]i am not 9!!!!!![/quote]
[quote]will nil ever tell me why there’s more than one nil[/quote]
[quote]what’s this “flood” I keep hearing about[/quote]
[quote]do people here know what “fun” means[/quote]
[quote]nearly just fell off my chair[/quote]
[quote]im hungry[/quote]
[quote]how many ninjas/mentors are there anyway[/quote]
[quote]at least nil stopped saying “ok fortnite”[/quote]
[quote]i wonder how long a post can be[/quote]
[quote]i just accidentally deleted all this and had to re-type it[/quote]
[quote]ramen, am i right?[/quote]
[quote]im gonna go make a sandwich. Any suggestions?[/quote]
[quote]edit: who downvoted this? [/quote]
[quote]You must be 13 years or older to create a B.net account.[/quote] Nah fam (; [spoiler]@-@[/spoiler]