I don’t know what happened, I think it must have involved me finally finding a comfortable irl social home and getting friends that actually knew what I looked like and what my voice sounded like. I just sort of stopped coming here more and more and damn, I gotta say it’s nice to check in.
If you don’t remember me or are new, hi! I’m nighthawk. I was a person here for a while last year. Made some shit happen. Wrote some stories. Told some jokes and posted some memes. Got banned a bit. Made friends and enemies. Then I kinda drifted away, as all eventually do.
I guess the first thing that happened is I stopped playing density, never got shadowkeep and so I used the forums less. I also, like I mentioned, found more irl friends and didn’t need to come here to talk to people that shared my interests as much.
Anyway, what is new? Who’s still around? Are lee and ring still the gods of this place? Cell still kicking? Skybro still around? Raptor? What’s going on in the canon rn?
This post was met with Ninja Justice for breaking the [url=/en/View/bungie/conduct]Code of Conduct[/url].
Oh hey! You’re back!
Oh hey, you’re back.
Hey! How are you? Happy for you irl is going good! I’d like to hear some of your music someday 💪🍀💙
[quote]Anyway, what is new? Who’s still around? Are lee and ring still the gods of this place? Cell still kicking? Skybro still around? Raptor? What’s going on in the canon rn?[/quote] Lee and Ring are still around. I haven't seen Cell Skybro or Raptor in a while. The furry plague was banned and the leader of the right wing circle jerk is now quarantined.
Hello and welcome back! I lurked for awhile but am getting back into the swing of things myself
Edited by NeonPropose: 3/9/2020 8:38:45 PMI see how it is. No love for me I see. [spoiler]welcome back buddy boo[/spoiler]
Hello again my friend and rival. It is good to see you! Those are good reasons for not coming around as often, that's good to hear.
Edited by CommonBlueberry: 3/9/2020 2:47:00 AMI haven't seen Lee or Cell in ahwile, i think Skybro popped on a few days ago. Kingjulianmort ans Batpug came back and i thought i saw Cmirg made a few comments on some stuff a few days ago. The story posts have kinda stopped, though Aifos just finished the 1st chapter of The Days Before the Fall and G-lope posted part 17 of the Triangle. I think Stoneflare posted another part of his story Legends from Beyond Rp's moderately still present; Hidden Alignment is stil doing rpc, and Dragoon made a handful of little things. Weird made an rp post pretty recently too, now that i think about it. I think the last big event thing that happened was the OwOutbreak, where a bunch of guys started speaking in owo, then there was the other faction, the crusaders, who kinda just yelled DUES VULT and something about flamethrowers.
Ayy, there’s a face I haven’t seen in a while. Welcome back!
[quote]Skybro still around?[/quote] Only one Skybro I know, he should be around here somewhere.... Also, only got on the forums recently so I ain’t clued in on who most of people are....unless they’re from/in the lore subforum. So in other words....who are you?
... Just the usual conglomeration of butt cancer and AIDS... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
bIIIIIIIIRRRBBBBMAAAAaaan [spoiler]how are ya chief?[/spoiler]
Hey, you're back! Not much has happened, but a lot of people have disappeared or slowly drifted away. Holmes is mostly gone, probably the curse. Cell pops in every now and then. Ring's usually here, and Raptor vanished sadly. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head
[quote]Anyway, what is new? Who’s still around? Are lee and ring still the gods of this place? Cell still kicking? Skybro still around? Raptor? What’s going on in the canon rn?[/quote] [i]Let’s see... Cady, bring me my clipboard.[/i] Lee is, MIA. And I haven’t seen Charles around... Ring, Cell, Skybro are here. I think Raptor is here too. Canon? FebrUWOary happened... I broke the last seal and Speaker went ham... oh and we have more Political Posts than 3-Polls...
I know none of those names.
Oh hey there, haven’t seen you in a while. Do you know where Eagle went?