Head adventurer: Lee
Assistant that Lee rags on:
The cool guy who always gets his ass kicked: Sumpig
Map guy who only has memorized the breath of the wild map: Tigers Fan
The super diverse adventurer who always says how diverse he is: Speaker
Main antagonist: Toaster
Main antagonists buddy: Taco
God: Trout
Other roles (not garunteed roles):
NPC that repeats lines: Common blueberry
Character set up as extremely important but never head or seen From again: sylver
Knight who only wishes to see garlic bread once in his life: Ring
I will be the assistant.
I am bread.
Oh can I be a potion seller?
Funny, I thought I posted here. Don't remember what i wanted to be, though... something concerning spaghetti I think.
Darn, I wanted to be the antagonist who just wants to watch the bread burn. Toaster shall carry out my wishes though, I have confidence in him.
I’ll be one of the NPCs with dialogue from Oblivion.
I wanna be the extremely wholesome, gentle giant (no pun intended) character.
Fine. Can I be dead body #379?
May I be a Knight who serves for the glory of just seeing the holy garlic bread but once in his life?
Main antagonist buddy
Can I be the super diverse adventurer?
Main antagonist
Edited by Sylver: 3/12/2020 7:48:49 PMObscure character who is played as having major plot significance but gets 3 lines and is never seen again
Dibs on cool guy that always gets his ass kissed
Is there an option for comic relief that everyone develops theories that they are the true villain?
Main antagonist’s buddy
Dibs on being the garlic toast.
I choose roll.
Garlic bread! Garlic spread!
Can I be toasters assistant?
Lmao can I be the super diverse one
I wish to be the one who praises the toast constantly but has no idea what toast even is
I call dibs on the npc that repeats the same lines over and over again
I’ll be the random guy who try’s to help but only makes things more difficult
Edited by Santa Claus: 3/12/2020 10:15:14 PMPut me down for whatever ill be happy just to be included
Tree #2