People who I find in discord and play with, are invested as mach as blueberries you mentioned. Someone is new to dis, someone wanna get carried and sometimes other teams just better and eventually after 1-2 games people leave the fireteam and I have to go and shout out for party affin again. I really dont see how is dis different from regular pvp besides I cant push one button and hop in. Why to add a matchmaking OPTION is bad? Ay least I could get 3 wins and some gun. The game is not competitive in any way. It even has lame radar so I dont need extra pair of eye to watch my back and talk into mic.
It's better than making solo players feel locked out of content in my opinion.. People, including those will have paid for the season pass. Yes, I know trials is free and not technically part of it but really... That is what a large portion of our money is going towards, so should it not be accessible to everyone? I mean this is a multiplayer game, matchmaking feels like such a basic thing for playlists to have now. If implemented well, all that can happen is player numbers increase in the trials playlist.
Not everything should have matchmaking. People still can't even figure out the charges in the corrupted strike! And NO ONE is locked out of it. There is an in app lfg and plenty of discord servers. Plenty of solo people find people to team up with. What are they doing differently? How hard is it to find 2 like minded teammates? And the biggest problem is even if they add matchmaking those same solo players will come in here saying blueberries are trash, my teammate leaves, impossible to play solo trials and the list goes on. But hey if solo players wanna get farmed like cabbage in trials by actual teams then who am I to judge? Trials is the only endgame pvp activity. People should go in prepared to face the sweatiest of players. Because everyone is playing to win. Adding 'optional matchmaking' will not do anything to help solo players. It will just give them an even more miserable experience.
[quote]Not everything should have matchmaking. People still can't even figure out the charges in the corrupted strike! And NO ONE is locked out of it. There is an in app lfg and plenty of discord servers. Plenty of solo people find people to team up with. What are they doing differently? How hard is it to find 2 like minded teammates? And the biggest problem is even if they add matchmaking those same solo players will come in here saying blueberries are trash, my teammate leaves, impossible to play solo trials and the list goes on. But hey if solo players wanna get farmed like cabbage in trials by actual teams then who am I to judge? Trials is the only endgame pvp activity. People should go in prepared to face the sweatiest of players. Because everyone is playing to win. Adding 'optional matchmaking' will not do anything to help solo players. It will just give them an even more miserable experience.[/quote] I didn't say everything should have matchmaking, yeah players are often stupid/ignorant to in game mechanics, this will never change, and it's not really my problem or what I was talking about either.. Yes, people are absolutely locked out of it. You literally can't start it without a fireteam of three, even raids can be entered solo. As others have often pointed out, LFG feels miserable to use, is a pain.. Etc. Playing with random people, often from across the globe makes the game lag, and the connection suffer also. Yes discord exists, and I myself am part of an awesome clan but this doesn't change the fact that.. Some people just want to play the game by themselves, without the need of organizing or looking for players outside of the game. What is so difficult about that? People and whatever their complaints about solo modes isn't a valid argument to me either. Also, the point is it would be a group of solo players against another group of solos for solo trials, like freelance comp. And.. Iron Banner, and comp are both meant to be "end game" are they not? Last time I checked they were... The only way to tell if it'll give a miserable experience is by seeing what happens I guess, isn't it?
Freelance for trials? Lol I've heard enough. If certain people want to play by themselves then they don't have to partake in every activity. But hey then can ask two people to fly them into a trials match and do a 1v3 afterwards. Technically they are playing solo. And I've even seen a few players do that. Cheers.
[quote]Freelance for trials? Lol I've heard enough. If certain people want to play by themselves then they don't have to partake in every activity. But hey then can ask two people to fly them into a trials match and do a 1v3 afterwards. Technically they are playing solo. And I've even seen a few players do that. Cheers.[/quote] Yes, not specifically done in the same way as for comp but what would be wrong with seeing that, as a test at least? What else would a solo mode for Trials be exactly anyway? Okay, you've heard enough... So you have no argument against that or...? You are right about no one needing to partake in every activity but, why should they not be able to?